Tuesday, February 15, 2022

15th February 2022

I am listening to Jan Morris's 'In My Mind's Eye (A Thought Diary).  She breaks down a thought a day and the gentle voice of the narrator suits the words well. Morris is now dead, but she kept her Welsh cottage all through her life I think, a pleasant enough place to retire to.

We balance on an edge today, talk of stopping war over  Ukraine territory.  Politicians uttering sanction warnings against Putin.  Funny isn't it, when you are a leader it is your name in front of the news, you carry all the hopes of the world for a brief time.  Putin sits there smug that he has the world's attention, we all wait for the other shoe to drop!  I am hopeful that it won't and that negotiations will clear the air of a very sombre act.

What struck me as funny last week,  "One Dick down, another Dick to follow".  I won't spell it out for you.  Cressida Dick stepped down because of Sadiq's criticism, weirdly enough there was not much sympathy for her.  She has sat as the Met chief for too long I think, and yet there have been wretched stories about the police for many years.

Misogyny is a crime in itself, how to punish it though?  We are all often guilty of saying the wrong thing without thinking but the language employed to describe women, gender and race can be appalling.  By the way the female term is misandry, (ingrained prejudice against men). 

Can it be with the onset of digital communication, that we reveal the truth of what we think.  Hate is definitely a part of the human character, but thankfully good nearly always trumps bad.  Second thoughts, see I have mentioned an idiot unwittingly - Trump - I am just hoping before 2024 comes round that this scoundrel will get his just rewards, I mean even his accountants are withdrawing support and questioning the figures in his accounts today.

Enough wittering on, I hear rain outside, it hasn't stopped for days, so the sound of rain in the Bulguk Temple for relaxation.


  1. The book Jan Morris left to be published after her death will be picked up from the library van in March or April. I've enjoyed her biographical work so shall look forward to the new one.

    One of the 4 posts Ilona wrote yesterday was on the police and very worrying - hope its not universal, there must be some good people in the Force surely.

    As for Ukraine/Russia - scary to think about

    1. Well as Tom below said, there is a partial withdrawal from the Ukraine border Sue this morning. Haven't read Ilona f or a long time, I do believe there are plenty of good police people in the force. The trouble is there is not enough punishment around for bad apples. Same in politics of course. Did not know the book by Morris was to be printed after her death.

  2. I hear this morning that troops are beginning to withdraw from the Ukrainian border. Aside from anything else, I hope that will bring fuel prices down! It's going to take quite a time to change the Met, I think. Probably almost as much time as it is going to take to fill out those questionnaires that they sent the government.

    1. Well trying not to be cynical Tom, they are all at it, disappearing down the rabbit holes of enquiries and reports and not surfacing, hoping we will all forget. As if!

  3. Thank you for two things. Firstly, for introducing me to a new word - "misandry" - I have certainly met a few misandrists in my life. Secondly, for sharing that lovely video - so peaceful and the background music seemed to contain a reverberating Buddhist gong or bell.

  4. Glad you enjoyed them. I find a balanced view on life is quite important, and when I came across misandry it struck me as apt. As for the video I love the way the rain trickles between the finials. Paul had some, they lay at the bottom of the Japanese fire box which supposedly kept you warm, in its hole beneath a low table.

  5. Jan Morris's book is our book group read for this month - I love it - it is rather like an upmarket blog. I love her writing ayway buy this is wonderful food for thought.

    1. Yes remembering an incident a day makes it interesting. Her wife Elizabeth had dementia in the end but Jan Morris escaped it.

  6. Amazing how Drump's accounting firm looked the other way until they saw the justice coming closer and closer. The rich always get a pass.

    1. "The rich always get a pass" so true. And the sycophants and hangers-on are always ready to leave the ship like rats when things get tough. How it will all playout is anyone's guess.

  7. I have confidence in Biden, and old "soldier". I think the withdrawal is good and I'm sure the conclusion will be satisfactory. And Trump's crumbling will help a good deal, too.

    1. Trouble with Trump he appeals to a certain group of people, easily whipped up to become violent. Well I hope Biden can keep Putin at bay Joanne. Putin is a devious person.

    2. For the sake of the world, I hope that this saber rattling stops. Two good books selections, today, one from you and one from Northsider Dave. I've ordered both of them. They will be here when I get back home from traveling. Jan Morrison sounds like my kind of person!

    3. I am sure Putin will keep us in suspense for a time yet Debby. Jan Morris was a traveller and writer, and undertook a sex transition in 1964. Pat loves him for his travel books. But he has always been a prolific writer, I like his history of Wales.

    4. Forgot the Wiki link..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Morris. 'The Salt Path' is a good read ;)


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