Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Well Mollie is settling in.  She is very sweet, clingy at the moment but curious about everything. Yesterday I let her out of my room and she explored the corridors, but her security is tied up in this room.  Her cardboard box under the table, her blankets and a easy road to get to the windowsill.  Funnily enough she goes and stares at a print I have against the wall.  It is one of my hare prints with a wood in the background and I am wondering if that is where she wants to be.

Food wise she comes with Purina Gourmet pate, of which she licks the jelly off but doesn't eat most of the meat.  I think I will boil a bit of fish for her to see if she will eat that.  Though she eats her Dentabites with great relish.

At 19 years old she is very lively!


  1. and very pretty too.

  2. She's adorable! Wishing you & Mollie the very best.

  3. N-n-n-nineteen? She looks like a kitten. Cheers for you and your daughter too for giving Mollie another home in her old age.

  4. She looks lovely, and no-where near her age! Glad she is starting to settle in and I bet she'd go for that fish!

  5. I would not have guessed she was a 19 year old cat! A fish dinner is a very nice welcome.

  6. I found that when my cat Speedy was having trouble with his tooth (which eventually was removed at great cost) he had eating problems but did better when I mashed up the pate with a fork. (He's also a black & white cat.) Good luck with Molly she looks very sweet.

  7. Thanks everyone, she turned her nose up slightly at fish but has almost eaten a tin of pate today, so she is happy.

  8. And miaow back to you and Aril!


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