Friday, December 22, 2023

22nd December 2023

When the heart turns back towards summer.  Can it be that every time I have opened the back door it has been raining?  I watch the rain drops splash into the puddles over the road. The swish of the tyres as cars turn into the old people's flats and wonder if I should seriously think about applying for one as maybe I don't won't to face up to another town.

Actually this England could donate its rainfall to the Panama Canal, which is experiencing less rainfall.  Could be climate change or it could be the El Nino effect, you have your choice, those who believe in the climate change or the natural result of El Nino.  Whichever ways, there are cargo ships stuck in the seas around the canal, which has reduced its number of ships passing through.  Why? well the lake that tops up the canal when the locks are emptied is also losing water at a fast rate and as it also has to serve the population around this area - who wins.

It means of course all those essential, and not so essential stuff, is being delayed unless the boats takes a much longer route. Perhaps we won't have so much from China, which maybe not a bad thing.  And we shall learn to mend, reduce and just simply not have a new computer, phone or car.  Perhaps the end of the Western world as we know it! (in parenthesis) Just popped that in, a new word a day doesn't go amiss.

I have the tune to go perfectly with the mood.  Christina Rossetti got it right.  So to that 'heavy rain' lurking malignantly in the corner of my computer, this is what Christmas is all about.

Counting blessings: 

And note. We have just passed the Solstice and the light will begin to lengthen, also the volcanic eruptions have decided to calm down in Iceland - not all bad.

The sun rather mistily came up as well at Stonehenge.  7000 people went to see this Solstice happening.


  1. That carol is exquisite - a beautiful rendering Thelma - and counting one's blessings is especially right for today - thank you.

    1. Sometimes I think Christina Rossetti should be more famous than she is Pat, unfortunately she was born a woman;) I have always liked 'Goblin Market'

  2. I've always loved that carol. I am told (by Attenborough) that the water shortage at the Panama Canal is a combination of both El NiƱo (is that the right squiggle?) and climate change. That makes sense to me.

  3. Well I have never used 'diacritics', obviously because we do not use them in the English language but have learnt something else today Tom. Two squiggles are right. Actually I have come to the conclusion I love Xmas carols, this one echoes the misery of English weather.

  4. My seventh grandchild was born yesterday! Adam Liam DeBerge born at 5:30 pm weighing 7 lbs 11 oz. I wonder what the world will be like for his lifetime! Imagine - if he lives to my age (73), he will see 2096! I hope he has a world of peace and joy...

  5. Wonderful news Ellen. Adam is a good weight as well;) I think we should be optimistic about how the world will develop in the future.

  6. That used to be my favourite carol but it's now my least favourite - very dreary!
    Isn't there problems in the Suez canal as well as the Panama - good - nothing new from China for a few months has to be a good thing!

    1. Christina wrote poetry, which you can see in the structure of the carol. I love her choice of words Sue, and yes the subject is dreary but 'snow on snow' still sends a shiver down my spine.

  7. I have just spent quite a lot of time watching different videos of In The Bleak Midwinter.

    1. Somehow Tasker Christmas creeps into the soul and all the old carols come back, and also the really silly Xmas songs that appear over the years.

  8. Counting blessings - hmmm - I nearly have a functioning greenhouse - but will probably have to pay three figures for a box of replacement glass (unable to check what was delivered in time because we had Covid). Tomorrow the light will begin to return - joy - and proper yellow tassels flowering on a Hazel tree I passed this week. Deep burgundy catkins on the Alders too.

    Somehow Christmas seems away in the mists this year.

    1. Christmas will soon be upon you Jennie. Sad about the breakage of glass though. I have a fear of glass in the garden, Moss once jumped onto a glass frame and cut his leg so badly he almost had to have his back leg amputated. Luckily 6 months walking him on a lead saved the leg. Have a good Christmas with your family.

  9. My mother used to worry the days away until today, and more light. I waited for it, every year. And now I miss her worrying the days until today.

    1. It is so dark at this time of year Joanne, I think we all look forward to the light, though it gets colder in January and February. Have a good Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

  10. That is the third rendition of the carol that I have heard today. The video of this is really just beautiful, isn't it?

    1. Yes it is a pretty video Debby. Have a good Christmas, it sounds much happier for you and Tim.

  11. My favourite carol - thanks for sharing it here. Happy Christmas Thelma!

  12. Glad you enjoyed it Yorkshire Pudding and a merry Xmas to you to.

  13. Choral music this time of year is essential. Rainy here for us as well.


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