Monday, May 20, 2024

20th May 2024 - London 2014

Well photographs: this time of a trip to London in 2014 to see an exhibition about Stonehenge in a strange place, the narrow gate triumphal arch leading up to Buckingham Palace.  I wish I knew the name, I suppose someone will tell me but all the photographs are of London.( no need, it is the Wellington Arch)  The small exhibition was set up by Mike Pitts, editor of British Archaeology.  An acquaintance of Paul, Pitts used to work at Avebury in his younger days at the museum and is author of books on the subject of archaeology.

I was particularly take with the statue of four horses of the Apocalypse, galloping over one's head they looked dramatic.  But on trying to find the right place of course led by the 'stupidity' of my search effort, came across the last event when four cavalry horses unsaddled their riders and went galloping through London in a bloody condition, I think they all survived and were caught and hospitalised but in the photo below you can see them at a more calm ride through the streets.


The four horses of the Apocalypse

Vertical gardening, think it must have been a hotel.


  1. The vertical garden is fantastic. External vertical gardens here are a challenge. Many have tried and many have failed. There is an occasional success.

    1. It is trying to bring greenery into the cities Andrew. Roof top gardens are one way, as long as the weight of soil is not too heavy on the roof. There are problems with vertical gardens as well, how do you garden them as they get thick greenery round the windows.

  2. Photographs bring back so many memories. I enjoy seeing your pics and hearing your memories, Thelma.

  3. Glad you enjoyed them Ellen London is such a busy place full of life.


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