Friday, May 3, 2024

Hands across the water

 The Family:  Lillie is off camping in Harrogate with the Beavers for the weekend - 60 of them and approximately  half that number of adults.  She is a scout leader.

Four days away, a rather large amount of luggage, and for the last few days, most of her wardrobe which had been washed hanging around in the kitchen, ready to be taken.  Luckily she desisted and took what was required on the list.  But this morning a large white carrier bag was on the table with the blow-up mattress.  The bag had gold leaf writing and sported the name that it was Prada.  Who shops at Prada I asked surprised the bag was of course from Ben, who is often over in Paris buying stuff for his clients, he is an up and coming stylist and it struck me this morning that he looks a lot like Paul MacCartney in his younger days.  This was courtesy of Tasker putting on the album of PM.  I will put the link down below, it seemed such innocent days then.

I brooded on the brother and sister relationship, Ben and Matilda in London, out to seek their fortunes, one dark haired the other blonde.  They will be a help to each other, Matilda is aiming for fashion journalism, so they are always going to be fairly close.  She has just finished her exams and messages came through she had voted, though they had not wanted to see her ID at the polling station.

Lillie of course was demanding we all vote, I did postal.  It will be interesting to see the restructuring of political parties today.

And here is Tasker's link to the music, which I will probably play all day! Not forgetting to listen out for the Amazon driver who has a parcel for Lillie.

Post script: Today I woke up miserable had had an unsettling phone conversation with someone in authority yesterday, but there again I have been watching older people talk of finding peace in their world - balance one against the other!

Edit:  Book on my must buy list Olivia Laing - The Garden Against Time
There is a guest essay from her in The New York Times.


  1. Camping with 60 Beavers sounds like my idea of hell!! Well done Lillie.

    I was very bad yesterday and didn't vote as it was just for Police Crime Commissioner here in our bit of Suffolk. I feel quite guilty now!

    1. The youngsters are out to get Labour in power, though I like there are more Independents around Sue.

  2. Is it a local council election or county?

  3. Yes local elections all over the country. Strong turnout for the Labour party Andrew.

    1. We are in the district of Caldervale and also voted for mayor. The incumbent one Tracy Brabin, Labour will get in for a second term I think, the family want her to get in. I voted Green knowing Brabin will get plenty of votes.

  4. Thank you for the mention. I find the other tracks on Ram innocent fun, too.

    1. Yes we are all getting nostalgic for past days Tasker, though whether they were or not is up for debate.

  5. Good for voting. Always important, everywhere, every time. Vote blue, up and down.

  6. The one thing we have in life that gives us some sort of control in the bleak world of politics Joanne.


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