Tuesday, May 21, 2024

21st May 2024


A new cook book.  I like roasted vegetables and the idea of one-stop dishes.  These dishes can be served with a salad on the side because they are very rich.  I have already tried two of the recipes and another two this week.  We have a selection of Creuset dishes for putting in the Aga oven but soon the Aga will be closed down because it is too hot in summer.

The goat's cheese recipe did not go down to well, though I liked it, but sweet potato toppings with feta cheese crumbled through is good.  We had the classic whole camembert on top of the sliced potatoes, mushrooms and onions, it melts down into the dish.  Thin sliced potatoes require cutting on a mandoline, so you have to be careful of the tops of fingers!  

I have decided to go to another meeting at the Folklore centre in June.  It is about Nick Drake, Syd Barrett and Pantheism.  I am not sure how you can turn the lyrics of 'Pink Moon' into the neopaganism of today but it will be interesting to find out.

Also been watching 'The Killing' on Channel 4.  Excessively long and the plot twists and turns through a variety of would be suspects.  I am sure I have never come across a plot quite like it.  But today I am giving it up and going to the last episode, then it will be finished with.

Came across something last night, due to Mollie being very wide awake for about three hours.  This is  Word Clouds - "visual representation of text that give greater rank of words that appear more frequently than others".  It had been set up by Rory Stewart and Alistair Campbell in their podcast, you can guess what words Johnson and Truss accumulated.

It seems that as a country we all think much alike on the state of our politics.  Also the game of worst and best event in life was played during the podcast.  Campbell worst experience was the death of Doctor David Kelly in 2003. Campbell was Blair's right hand man.  The suspicious suicide death of this person who worked for the government on military matters and the examination of weapons in Iraq, shocked many of us, and we have never forgiven Tony Blair for this unexpected death.  The BBC report can be found here.  The details of the inquest into his death were not fully released and went under the  70 years rule before the final release of the report becomes public. 


  1. I well recall the shock of Dr Kelly's death at the time, just a little too convenient for the powers that be I thought. And suspicion fuelled by the subsequent embargo on releasing any details, true or fabricated to fit an official line. In the subsequent revelations over the fabricated WMD dossier raising even more questions.

    1. It was a time of deception or at least of shuffling things under the carpet Will. War is a terrible thing and that was just another one. A wretched mistake was made somewhere and then hushed up.

  2. Thank you for reminding me about The Green Roasting Tin a quick perusal of which has made a sizable dent in the vegetable mountain that was threatening to engulf my kitchen this week!

    1. Throw them in the tin, dabble with olive oil and then wait;) must admit I don't like roasted cauliflower though.

  3. I do something similar with sheet pan recipes. Potatoes, peppers, onions, garlic sprinkled with olive oil and spices and just roasted in the oven. So yummy with anything. Sometimes I add sausage. A favorite around my house!

    1. Everything goes rather sweet when you roast vegetables Ellen but you have to be careful not to burn as well.

  4. I love that cookbook! The rice/ squash/ broccoli/ coconut recipe (where you throw it all in the oven for a while, stir, add the broccoli and stick it back for a bit and serve with a dressing) is perhaps my favourite dish I make at home - it travels well to other people's homes too!

    I recently listened to a podcast about the death of Dr David Kelly and having lived through it and with hindsight it was actually a quite distressing listen.

  5. Yes it was a very sad time for the Kelly family, especially the media hype around it.
    Glad you are another fan of the book. Today, leek and Orzo with asparagus and nuts. The author always says 10 minutes to prepare the food, it takes me at least half an hour to prepare.

  6. I will refer that book to my son Ian. They may be able to borrow some vegan ideas for "Bosh!".

  7. Well my understanding of it is some sort of grain, pasta or potatoes at the bottom then vegetables scattered above, it is just really a combination book.


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