Wednesday, May 29, 2024


 I can hear the plaintive meow of Mollie coming down from her attic retreat, she will have to share a bedroom with Matilda tonight. I see there is a discussion about the terrors (is that the right word?) of getting old.  But we should not forget from the moment we opened our mouths for the first yell in our lifetime, that death was always on the cards. 

Perhaps we should prod it to see what he has to offer.  Oblivion of course, but just imagine, just dream, maybe you will meet all those people you have lost through life.  The old achy bones will at last have rest and you will become once more star dust in the Universe.  To meld and mix with the rest of the wonderful expanse of 'nothingness' maybe?

I have been listening to Chris Van Tulleken - Ultra Processed People about all the junk food manufacturers fill our daily ration with but he points out millions of years ago when life began on this planet, the organisms were quite happily eating metals and minerals and living in boiling hot conditions - that rather pleases me, we can always adapt ;)

The other book I am reading at the moment is Horatio Clare's 'Truant'.  Sent, like all good middle class children to a public school (i.e. America private school) he was learning about cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and sex from an early age.  I suppose it compensated for the miserable existence within the school.  Apparently when you were found out and hauled up before the headmaster, all that happened was that you were exchanged with similar boys from another school.  See for reference the Conservative Party!

But salvation came along he was sent eventually to an international school somewhere round Cardiff, and found that 'foreign' people had a much better outlook than the British lot.  So that is why you will see at the end of this is a video of a 'flash mob' in Spain playing Beethoven's Ode to Joy', surely one of the most inspiring pieces of music.  Schiller's word appertain to God, and though I don't believe in any god, the thought that something must dwell beyond the stars. Is an idea to grasp and think about.

All the world's creatures draw
Draughts of joy from nature;
Both the just and the unjust
Follow in her gentle footsteps.
She gave us kisses and wine
And a friend loyal unto death;
She gave the joy of life to the lowliest,
And to the angels who dwell with God


  1. "See for reference the Conservative Party!." I laughed. I remember at a young age asking my father where the Universe ends. It must end somewhere. I can't remember his reply but it wasn't satisfactory to my mind.
    I love flash mobs and this was a good one, without people hanging around knowing it was going to happen.

    1. It was also the people and the children in the video I loved Andrew. Happiness just sat on the air as they listened to the music. I consider that our country is part of Europe and like many others were devastated by Brexit.
      I think we are too little to grasp the meaning of the Universe, mysteries are good.

  2. I thought that video was great. I have to admit that I live in dread of accidentally running into a dance flash mob though...

    1. Mostly Irish dancers dance on one spot, perhaps you should join in Tom.

    2. I do join in with the Irish dancers. The top half of my body is inert with my arms dangling down, but I also keep the bottom half inert as well, English style.

  3. I love those flash mob videos. Always so joyous!

  4. I wonder if English children would be so sweet as the Spanish ones though, they seem to enjoy the music Ellen.

  5. I have seen that video before and the obvious pleasure on the faces of the spectators was moving. I watched it again and was no less moved.


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