Thursday, May 23, 2024

23rd May 2024

 Just now: Crow babies are finding their wings.  A crow hullabaloo started outside,  Looking out of the window and there was a baby crow caught between railings.  Several crows were in front of it and then success the little one flew free. And did they really pull him free?  It sort of balances the world for me today.

Well here comes change in 6 weeks, the Election, of another party? of the same party? heaven knows but there should be a news ban is all I can say.  Gosh you can almost feel the excitement vibrating on the Today programme and the News at One.  Heaven forbid.  All I know is that our MP (Tory) Craig Whitaker is standing down, as many are in the Conservative party so that means a frantic effort to find suitable candidates.

What was Ricki thinking of when he stood out in the rain by the famous lectern.  The sound of music down the street - It will only get Better, a tad offensive.  As he spooned the promises, yet again, everyone knows this country is slowly sliding down into a pit, we will leave the snakes out here but to be brutal it is going to take a helluva lot of house building, better health services and tackling the poverty that now exists in this country. Also intrigued by the date 4th July - American Independence Day - will we become another state of America ;) No I don't think so...

After the terrible news about the Singapore Airlines plane dropping 6000 feet and injuring the people in the cabin, some quite badly and of course one British man dead, we are brought face to face with some of the rigours of climate change as the weather becomes unpredictable.  Here in Yorkshire, a 10 year old child was killed by a mud slide yesterday, as the rain once more started to fall, I think we are on 'orange alert' here but the rain has fallen quietly all yesterday and no talk of flooding so far.

Instead of moping about it perhaps we should be taking sensible measures of meeting the problems halfway.  We shall see.

Cooking: I tried the Orzo recipe with asparagus and leeks yesterday it was good, though helped with plenty of lemon.  Today I refused to do the pearl barley, the recipe had a whole roasted cauliflower on top, we are leaving Andrew to try that one out.   Still enjoy my cauliflower in a cheese sauce.  So today it will be sour dough torn into strips amongst roasted tomatoes, peppers and a jar of artichokes. 

It is also wise to get most of your ingredients from Ocado, they seem to have the spices.

It makes me giggle somewhat nervously, there is dire warnings of having a stock of water, food and other stuff, enough for three days, just in case something happens. Again, the news yesterday, is this called the 'distraction game' I wonder.  Or is the REAL world coming to our door and presenting itself!



  1. They began saying that the airliner dropped 6,000 feet and now they are saying 100. I think the 6,000 was the descent into Bangkok?

    1. There was over a minute of turbulence that caused everything to break and fall. It sounds horrendous Tom and perhaps a warning to always keep belted up.

  2. What on earth were they thinking when they allowed Sunak to get drenched like that, with the noisy distractions? It was like a metaphor for wet rag incompetence. I'm fed up of it already. Has everything else paused for 6 weeks? If that's all it take to end the killing we should have permanent elections.

    1. No one even held an umbrella over him, which was pretty mean. When we get rid of prime ministers, it's pretty harsh. Always remember Maggy Thatcher's sad performance when the tory party turned on her. No mercy.

  3. That was good about the baby crow. I think crows and ravens are quite good parents, and there was other crows concerned about the trapped young one.
    Sunak looked stupid by standing in the rain.

    1. The Corvidae family of birds are intelligent and tend to stick together I think Andrew. I expect Sunak will be quite happy to be able to walk out of the limelight of being our prime minister - it is a thankless job.


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