Friday, June 14, 2024

14th June 2024


It is all about Lillie this week.  She turned 18 years old on Thursday, had a party with her friends on Wednesday evening and today is going to the Taylor Swift concert (with 60,000 others) in Liverpool.  The  problem of transport has been solved, she will go with her friend on the train, and coming back Andrew has rented a car and they will meet up somewhere in a car park. How does a transport system cope with 60 thousand young people wanting to go home I wonder.

Being adult she now has access to one of the governments saving accounts, which she went off to Halifax to claim.  She was convinced she could do it online but had to produce correspondence.  Her face was a picture when she opened a card with a cheque in it, how quickly they have fallen out of fashion.  What do I do with it she asks?  Apparently you can take a photo of it  and your bank will accept the photo as proof.

How quickly the banks have 'disappeared' from our streets, causing confusion and worry.  Money is still used of course, in fact it is a good idea to keep some as a backup just in case the internet system is hacked. 

Now I am terrified of losing my debit card, the one thing between me and the world and buying essentials.  On the surface life is simple but beneath the surface we are riding a very bumpy sea.

Still Lillie is an adult now, she is all set up to go to London to study, she has her first year accommodation and her two siblings to keep an eye on her.  Life will bring its own confusions and complications but as we all do she will probably sail through them.


  1. Tay Tay performed here to just on 100,000 in my city alone. I just don't get her appeal. Age thing, I suppose.
    I pay for things using my phone now, so my debit card is less of a concern. It's my phone I fear losing.
    I think I heard we can here can also present a cheque to a bank using a photo of the cheque. Still three days to clear I suppose, in spite of electronic banking. Businesses are phasing out cheques here this year. I think next year our government will too. I like to keep cash as a backup too.
    Were you an adult at 18?

    1. Well her voice is not very remarkable Andrew but she seems to bring the crowds in. I haven't got into using my phone, I need my other glasses for things close to hand and you can hardly swap glasses at the supermarket. Also I don't like walking around with my bank account number on my phone.

  2. 'The cheque is in the post' just doesn't work anymore. H.I. still uses them, but everyone pays me by transfer now. I much prefer that. Good luck Lillie.

  3. Lillie has just left all dolled up, with long fingernails, in my day it used to be false eyelashes that made the eye lids droop. The cheque always looked so official in the olden days, nowadays you are never quite sure about money in the bank.

  4. Happy Birthday to Lillie. Funny how they've all gone off to London to study.
    I'm still desperately trying to avoid online banking but it's getting harder

  5. Happy Birthday, Lillie! Wishing you a happy future of fun adventures!

    1. Thank you both, Sue and Ellen for the birthday wishes. Thelma

  6. It's disappointing that Grandmama didn't get a ticket for the Taylor Swift concert! Even so - Happy Birthday to Beautiful Lillie! I hope she votes Labour in the forthcoming General Election.

  7. Yes sad about not going to the concert - as if!! Lillie will definitely vote Labour, her polling card came this week.

  8. She is a very giving sort of person Debby.


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