Friday, June 28, 2024

Down to Earth

 Just a quick quote that made me smile this morning. It was made during the televised meeting between Sunak and Starmer and was made by a man in the audience. "Are you two really the best we have?"  I can hear the echo in America from afar ;)

So concentrating on positive things, I have on my list of positive people, the late Carl Sagan, a quote came through this morning.....

"Every cell is a triumph of natural selection, and we are made of trillions of cells.  Within us, is a little universe. Carl Sagan"

See 'Pillars of Creations'below and realise how little we know. On Earth I have to go out in the rain to Lidl to get some chestnut mushrooms and new potatoes.  The new cook book was open on the kitchen table at a recipe my daughter fancied I suppose.

Wild Justice, an organisation I have only recently become aware of are featuring manifestos they would like to see implemented.  Caroline Lucas and Chris Packham.  Packham is getting quite agitated.  What interests me though is that more and more people are coming out and giving their views.  Cannot it be that decisions made by the powerful and greedy will become things of the past?

Why Joe Biden must step down (


  1. I have just posted my vote for the election. Looking at the 13 candidatess on the list!!!!! I feel nothing but despair. Oh for a strong figure who knew what he/she was doing.

    1. Well as long as the figure is not right wing but I would just ask for intelligence Pat. As long as the present band of self-helping conservatives are out of office. Also, I apologise to decent conservatives who have tried to run the country for its people!

  2. Well, I'd rather have boring competence than showy froth.

    1. So it's Starmer for you. Perhaps in office he will be more forthcoming Tasker.

  3. Our two are the best of us who have stepped up. At least one of them is. The old and honest one.

  4. Biden at another later meeting seemed to have revived and swore that he would keep on going Joanne.

  5. I've never voted Conservative but I might have done if Heidi Allen had continued in that role. You might remember that she made headlines by criticising planned cuts in tax credits in her first speech in the Commons. She also did other things such as voting against Brexit and saying that she'd leave the party if Rees-Mogg ever became leader - all views which seem broadly sensible to me. She soon became convinced that there was no home for her in politics. Also, when the Special School for children with very serious health problems at which I worked was faced with closure, she spent time at the school and seemed very interested in the work that was done there - so different from a Shadow Education minister who paid a brief visit and told our Head that he didn't realise that schools like ours existed!

  6. I did look her up John she seems a sensible person. And she was principled, especially on Brexit and Rees-Mogg. The trouble is two parties battling over everything is not good, rather we need to vote for the person we think best. Anyone for Proportional Representation? It would be interesting.


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