Saturday, June 15, 2024

Things that surprise me.


Salvador Dali - Flowers 1948

I would never have associated Dali with painting flowers. A painter I am not much inclined to, Surrealism is surely there for an effect.

Gustave Klimt - Forest of Firs

No gold, no sparkly lady in a golden dress.  Just a straight forest of upright trunks.  But there are traces of my favourite colour in there -turquoise.   But then that could just be the way it is portrayed by the image on the web.

Today I saw an A1 photo of a bird, think it was a razorbill and someone had cleverly on top of its beak superimposed a whale into the photo - scary.

A1 is of course the new and up and coming money making turn of the century, that is until the next new invention comes along.

Which reminds me, and going completely off topic.  I used to go to school on a petrol engine double decker bus which was called 'New Invention'.  I have just read the story of the New Invention in Walsall and it goes back to the very first person who built a house there.  He claimed he had made a new invention to tackle a smoky chimney, which turned out to be - a Hazel branch which you pushed up the chimney to clear it. Slightly simpler than altering things in A1 in fits of fancy, and as we know causing terrible trouble when you alter the faces of the people around you.
Funny thing is I always thought the bus was the new invention replacing the old hissing and spitting electric trolley buses.

I can't find that photo of a the whale so snugly fitted into the pattern of the bird's beak, but it did raise the thought, so if people go round creating digitally false pictures, does helping ourselves to them really mean we are stealing illegal photos?


  1. Ooo, I love that picture of flowers by Dali. Really lovely, Thelma! Thanks for sharing that!

    1. It is very delicate Ellen, I much prefer it to trains coming out of the fireplace.

  2. Don't forget the village of New Invention, which is near Clun and Knighton, on the Powys/Shropshire borders. Interesting paintings in a totally different style from what we normally associate with those artists.

  3. I see the village has a silly history story as well for its name. The local farrier is supposed to have said that putting the shoes of horses on backward would fool the enemy Jennie.

  4. Now of course electric buses and trams are the "new invention", replacing the ones that cough all that CO2 into the atmosphere.

    1. Manchester's trams swish through the centre. Andy Burnham had the right idea there. But it is a bit scary crossing the street. And yes I remember the thick yellow smogs that would come down in Wolverhampton.

  5. I went to college with someone who projected photos onto a cavas and filled them in with paint. Dali did cheap tricks like that. I much prefer the Klimt.

  6. I think the worst crime by antique dealers and bookshop owners were cutting the prints out of old books and then selling them up. Art is a funny old thing, as can be seen by an assortment of mainly modern artists. Paul never forgave Wei- Wei for smashing up an antique jar.


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