Sunday, June 30, 2024

30th June 2024

I have been reading Rebecca Solnit this morning, and I realise that Biden has to be given his chance.  Still not sure about Starmer though.

"and refuse to challenge blatantly false statements, is not a debate.  It's a chaos where lies are given equal footing with the truth"

I am happily caught up in my spinning at the moment, my family are all out working on this Sunday and I have just commented  to an argument or a discussion on a car park decision and also a cycle path that is proposed in this town. Everyone argues fiercely for the right to park in the centre of town but in the end the number of cars on the road and the small space that is allowed for parking has everyone moaning, it has become impossible.  Yet we have several large supermarket car parks, never completely full and free of course surely there is a compromise there.
The latest proposal of a cycle path to be created between the park and the market has also met with disgruntled groans.  What it boils down to is how the old hang on to things and the new youngsters want change.
In this household, my two children and four grandchildren, not one can drive a car but get around quite easily on foot, bus or train and not forgetting the Uber drivers.  Yet we all know that a car is essential for those out of town.  Some towns create car parks outside the town and bus people in, Whitby does it and it works.  Also the Sainsbury there which is out of town, has a bus to take people  back and forth.


  1. Living in the middle of town with a Central Zone permit, I am conflicted about car parking. Visiting Venice is taking a holiday from cars, but everyone else thinks so too...

    1. Venice is of course full of people, in fact tourism is becoming a nasty taste in Southern Europe. Too many cars and too many people Tom ;)

  2. Regarding personal transportation, most of us have lived selfishly until now but it would really help if government saw public transport rather differently - as a social service - as it is treated in many other countries. The cost of rail travel in Britain is outrageous.

  3. Privatisation has ruined so many things. And it is true we have wretched timetabling, how many times has my daughter emailed ahead - train cancelled will be late. Strikes don't help I know but the Mike Lynch's of this world fight for rights.


Love having comments!