Tuesday, June 25, 2024

25th June 2024

 Manchester airport yesterday, a local power problem left everyone in the dark.  In reality a minor incidence but enough for people to get flustered and upset.
Some things I have been thinking about.  Firstly I ordered two journals yesterday along with ink refills for my fountain pen.  I have decided to record in a different mode, there is so much news we float through and it anchors the years into sensible sentences.  I am forever jotting down words that appeal to me but they get lost in a scrum of jottings and knitting terms.
For instance Julian Assange seems to have gained his freedom after all these years of rotting in a cell for telling his own kind of truth in Wikileaks.  Has the American government released him from a very long prison sentence in an American jail, it seems so.  Yesterday he was seen boarding a private plane to the Northern Mariana islands for the final end in this drama. Sky News

Sunday saw another protest march through London, it was a gathering together of environmental groups to plead for our nature in this country.  We have apparently the worst record of the European countries for looking after the flora and fauna of this country.  Individuals try but it is the small groups of people who stand up for the rights of animals that make the difference.  Governments just waffle. 
Our rivers are in an appalling mess, the River Wye, a very beautiful river polluted by the chicken farms that produce the eggs we eat.  Sewage over flows in the rivers is becoming a serious problem, money that needed to be spent has more often than not landed in the pockets of investors and CEOs.

As we spiral nearer to the next government changeover,, it will be interesting to see if anything will happen for the good, all those houses that need building, a tighter hold on food manufacturers who with their junky food are causing the NHS such terrible financial problems, perhaps what is needed in this country is the ability to pull together (and not moan too much).


  1. I've been spending more time than I would like to in hospitals lately, which has sometimes meant that I've needed to buy food there - surprisingly difficult to buy good healthy food in a hospital.

    1. Bigger hospitals have M&S in them, where you can buy sandwiches and salads but the franchises are not always healthy. I used to spend time in the York hospital and the cafe there had an awful lot of cake on offer and little else. Plus a large shop with all the fizzy drinks, chocolate, and snacks you could buy.

  2. C'mon. You are English. It is your duty to moan.
    I've read of your sewerage overflows, along with Miami's. The causes are different and I think most of you problem is that rainwater run off can also go into your sewerage systems, increasing the volume going through the sewerage system. Aside from when large renovations happen and new homes are built, ensuring they are separated, there is not much can be done about old systems and handling systems need to be improved to cope.
    I'm very pleased to see Assange free. He has suffered more than enough and society is the better knowing about what he exposed.

  3. We pulled together (sort of) for the pandemic measures, then we found out about the legislators. They are going to burn millions of £s worth of good PPE which was never used because of their incompetence.

    1. Do you mean Baroness Mitchelle Malone who made 60 million pounds profit on PPE. No wonder the conservatives are on their way out.

    2. Mispelling there, I should have thought 'moany minny,' but in actual fact it is Mone.

  4. Well some systems are Victorian, especially in London Andrew. Here the water pipes under the road keep flooding as well, not sure if it is the rain though. The rivers are very vulnerable and need to be protected.

  5. From my corner of the world...


    1. Link doesn't work Debby, obviously your American net doesn't like the European net.


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