Thursday, June 6, 2024

6th June 2024

 I started to write yesterday, a rather chaotic day, the cat was sick on my bed, messages about parcels coming through that day.  One to care for because it was 'living' = sour dough, but it doesn't have to be fed till the 10th June.  I showed the new Parcel Force lady the back door and that she could just pop things in, I took full responsibility on that.

Cursed various members of the family for relying on the post to bring them things that were frivolous.  Also as I was talking to the PF lady left the front door open and Mollie (cat) luckily did not venture into the big outside world but miaowed furiously at me when I got back in.

Matilda went back to London yesterday, she is free of university now and must look for a job, but yesterday was more concerned with finding a decent wine bar to entertain her friends.  She will look for a job of course but she looked a little lost. I do not envy the young in this day of high rents, over-priced housing market and a government that really needs a good shakeout.

And what about the weather?  7 C at the moment, not quite down to freezing, but cold and windy, and of course those of us who live in the lower reaches (and not on top of a Scottish mountain where there is snow to be found) will experience cold rain.

But one good parcel yesterday (promise I don't have many) was some spinning tops from John Arbon, four pretty colourways to spin and calm my mind and not get vexed about everything.


  1. 7 is a bit too cool for summer. I hope better weather comes for you soon. I don't envy the young either. We had such simpler young lives, or is my memory bad. When my partner emigrated from your country to here, he told me that there was well paid work everywhere and accommodation was cheap. It is such a different country now.

    1. As Tasker says it used to be easier when we were younger to find cheap renting and jobs. Now, well as if it is our generation that has made everything difficult for the young to make a start in life. Not good/.

  2. It used to be easy to find careers and jobs with prospects, and if you didn't like it you changed to another. Work, rents, and all life are cut to make maximum profits for someone now, the kind who donate £5m to a political ideology to keep things the same.

    1. When did the rich take over, and why are there such plonkers in government Tasker? The dream has become being rich and owning millions which you can't really spend on anything of value. Only to buy more shares to push down the poor. Saw a YT clip this morning on Rishi Sunak - he seemed to be mixed up with hedge fund scandals in 2008.

  3. Yikes. That is cold for June. Gz was talking about snow yesterday. I feel very 'whiney' when I complain that it is 68 degrees and cloudy and raining. Right then...I'll put on a longsleeved t-shirt and get myself to work.

  4. Well we do live near the North Pole I suppose, and the mantra on climate change has been it could just as well be cold as hot Debby. Though in actual fact it is getting hotter pretty quickly, India has had some terrible temperatures.

  5. Very sharp, cold wind here too Thelma. My promise to myself is not to watch a single Political Programme.

  6. Well I don't watch any except perhaps in podcasts. But local politics are interesting, a female on F/B is just wondering why the Labour party in Calderdale have not put forward any female candidates. But then looking at the sorry lot in government and you can perhaps understand why. Though of course there is Rachel Reeves, interesting if she could become the PM.

  7. Are you not an Angela Rayner fan?

    1. Well Pat as I am not good with names I might be ;) just been writing in a more positive tone. But, my heart does not rest with the Labour party, that is until they actually speak up and do something about austerity.


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