Monday, March 3, 2014

More photos

Noting St. David's Day and realising I had written about it before, but when I looked it up there were no photos.  Now St David the town, really of course it is a city, holds a very special place in my heart, and the view of the cathedral and the Bishop's Palace still gives me a thrill into the ancient heritage of Wales.  Just along the little lane to St. Non out of town there is the old chapel of David's mother. St.Non's chapel is found overlooking the bluest of seas on a sunny morning, with its holistic centre and Catholic well, the sanctity of this area is still felt.  Impossible to put your finger on why, but I suspect history has become so imprinted in the landscape that the imagination must flow.......

St.Non's Chapel, where she supposedly gave birth to St.David, inside a prehistoric stone circle. You can see a stone to the left of the photo.

St.David's Head in the background

The old chapel

Catholic well

The romantic Bishop's palace

St.David Cathedral


  1. Thank you for this lovely post. We visited St David`s a few years ago and I remember the special atmosphere at St Non`s Well. The coastal path along there had wonderful wild flowers, birds and sea views.

    1. Yes I suppose I was being nostalgic for the place, but it does have a special serenity and the coastal path is beautiful.

  2. It's a long while since we were last at St David's. There are some fabulous ECM's there (Early Christian Monuments). We must make the effort to go again this summer, and visit St Non's chapel too.

    1. There is also a little chapel inside the holistic retreat there, which I think you can visit as well.


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