Monday, March 24, 2014

Photos from The Duck Slayer

The new camera is slowly being tried out, very simple on 'auto', but already I see a clarity from the 18 pixels strength; The software decanted  three programmes for uploading and messing around with, and it took quite a while to find where the computer had deposited them....
Why do we call it the 'duck slayer' because the camera strap guillotined our pottery duck in the garden leaving him headless..

Wood anemones at Blakes Wood

Blakes Wood

Blakes Wood

Blakes Wood


  1. Picture of the headless duck please Thelma!

    1. Coming soon! though it is not very interesting. Just been to see your photos, fabulous ones of the snow and the dogs..

  2. Poor duck! Still the camera looks to be working well.

    1. Hi Pat, I actually like playing around with the programs that come with it, need to get out more of course but it keeps raining....


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