Monday, December 22, 2014

Due Dates

The cottage on the hill near Egdon had a funny sign on its wall, so LS went hunting out why nothing happened on this particular date, and he came up with the following on someone's blog, interesting is it not. Time not existing is the way I can only describe it, not a true and logical deduction.  But with all this talk of the Solstice, a whole 13 days vanished to make our logical time fix with the cyclical time of our earth, sun and moon.  Yes I know the difference between the calendars but watching a debate take place on the internet about the 56 Aubrey Holes at Stonehenge it makes you wonder if our prehistoric fore fathers had the same problem, especially on dull grey days as we are having at the moment.  For instance, you can celebrate the solstice on the 21st December, but Stonehenge visitors are celebrating it on the 22nd December which is a Monday, the solstice sun lapping over several days....

"One interesting theory I found was that the 1782 is a typo. In 1752, the British Empire changed from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar calculated leap years differently, amongst other changes (it’s the source of the ‘divisible by 400’ bit of working out leap years). Unfortunately, at the time of the change, the Julian calendar was out of step with the Gregorian calendar, by 13 days. The only way to fix this was to just change the date.

When the dates changed, the calendar just changed September 1752 went from the 2nd to the 14th. The dates in between never happened. If you ask a modern Unix for the calendar for September 1752, it shows the dates missing:"

Taken from this site

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