Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sunday 2nd October

I have just made some scones for our visitor coming today,  Bernie, historian of our village, though he lives down South.  We should be primed to ask him lots of questions but my head still echoes to a migraine.  It is a bit like a Kinder egg my head, a fragile shell of white chocolate lines the inside.
The last migraine, several years ago, had me in tears because I could not remember the names of my grandchildren, it is as if your functioning thinking goes to pot amidst the pain, and the past comes swirling back in disjointed memories.
Today it has been wonderful to wake up and feed the birds, several pigeons, the jackdaws flying quickly in to take the bread and my favourite the little collared doves.  Our large band of sparrows are still to make an appearance, as are the chaffinches, blue tits, little wren and robin.  They are part and parcel of our lives, and guess what they are singing (not the sparrows of course) 'Mud, Mud, glorious mud' a childhood song on Radio 3. 
Memories float back from Todmorden,  Lilly racing along the road to see why her friend was not waiting for her, her friend was sick and so we walked together down to her school.  Lilly adores her school.
Matilda stayed with me all day, her shy friend Ella came for tea one night, and there was a lot of giggling and laughter from the bedroom.  We watched films on the TV,  Nanny Mcphee and Bridesmaids, and rather a good film featuring a young Johny Deppe and Leonardi di Capri it featured a place called Eldorado....
Train journeys slightly unnerve me, the bustle of the station, especially when you have to find the right platform, luckily after Leeds, high with tall skyscrapers, you go on smaller trains that are definitely easier to find.
Someone else in the village has written a book, which in all fairness I should buy, as has the old landlord from the pub next door. 
It can be boring sifting through history to find some clues, there are so few, I remember doing a small history of the family of Cope who emigrated to America from Avebury, in the 17th century and being fascinated by the store of stuff on this family in America.


  1. It sounds as though your migraine is on its way out. I am sorry it has been so bad. I have a friend who has it but after cutting out chocolate and oranges he has them much less frequently. They are so draining aren't they?

    Our village had a history group some years ago and at the end of it the tutor wrote a book on the village with their help. I rather think we got a grant from somewhere to help with the cost of the printing, but it is so long ago I can't remember details.

  2. There seems to be three books written so far about the village, Bernie has done a good job in collecting photos and facts. A whole way of life vanished in a twinkling of the eye, but probably best of course. My headaches are caused by stress, chocolate I refuse to give up...


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