Monday, May 1, 2017


Well they rolled through our little market town, 200 according to someone.  Small old cute ones, large, shiny paint and giant wheels ones and everything in the middle.  The great tractor show-off happens once a year, they start at Helmsley, call in at Kirbymoorside and visit every village in between, including ours, before they finally arrive at Malton.  Turnout was very good so they should have collected a fair bit for  Air Ambulance.
Well though I took a lot of photos, heave a sigh of relief because you won't get all of them, I am sure Sharon's husband on Morning Minion would be glad to see them.  What is fascinating was the range of manufacturers - tractors come in all shapes and sizes.
I took a small video of the rather good brass band, talked to the ant-fracking ladies and collected some literature, the group meet every third tuesday in the month at the Quaker's meeting hall.

The video and a very jolly rendering from the  band.

What was funny, we went to the car park in the town, and as you know the streets are narrow with terraced cottages on either side, a row of parked cars and that lets one narrow passage way through, unfortunately we met a double decker coming the other way, each car on our side had to disappear down old stable archways, and it highlighted how our roads are so narrow for the new jumbo sized lorries.  Also imagine having to follow all those tractors on our small B roads, bet there was a lot of cursing!


  1. Yes Thelma, the road widths are the same here and of course the cottages were built long before cars were invented so there are no garages. This means that in the evening, when everyone is home from work, it is a nightmare trying to drive down some of the roads.

    1. I remember looking at cottages with their frontage on the road and no parking, it is always a problem.

  2. Jim has hung over my shoulder enjoying the parade of tractors--quickly knowing the correct manufacturer for all but one. He would have loved participating in such an event, though would have needed to choose the most pleasing of his current 'inventory.'

    1. Glad he saw them, there was a great range from the oldest to the newest.What is extraordinary is how many tractors there were, everyone was thoroughly enjoying it.


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