Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sunny days

Amongst all the talk of the drought and farmers experiencing depleted crops, the world still goes on. Harvesting goes on well into late evening here.  Greece and its devastating wildfires tragically taking its human toll was surely a lesson that the natural world operates its own systems. 
The weather is hot all around the world, we may wish to call it climate change but we are also at the mercy of natural forces such as the Gulf stream and the Jet stream.  Of course our actions create climate change, whether we drive cars or use heat, the solutions are of course to restrain the pollution of the environment around.
I started with harvesting as I walked down Salton Lane, the morning was perfect, the great bales of straw jumbled up in the field.  Still, cool air, and the little sparrows chattering away to themselves.  Occasionally there was silence which held the world memerised in its hand.

Everywhere golden fields and straw wrapped in plastic.

The Vale of Pickering was once an inland lake, the hills surrounding it.
And something else;  Watching a cruel, provoking taunting on a forum today, I almost went in to intervene but held my peace, though this came to mind.

and taking the last line, their cruelty is their problem not mine.


  1. Interesting view Thelma and on balance I think the correct one.

  2. Actually there are not many terrible trees ;) except the serried rows of evergreens that march over the moors...


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