Monday, July 2, 2018

Monday 2nd July

Today we need to go to to the framers to have my print framed.  I would like to introduce you to Colin Blanchard video for it will show the hard work that goes into one of his prints....
I corresponded by email, he is a lovely man and Paul is interested in going to see his workshop/barn in Eskdalemuir. He paints with words and pictures which I love, telling a friend that I had done this and he threw up his hands in horror! He collects industrial oil paintings of the North, a soft sentimental picture on the wall for goodness sake ;)
Of course Chinese and Japanese art also have words on their scrolls, what you put on your wall reflects what you like to see.  Here in this small sitting room we have a dark brown (I think linen) painted scroll on the wall with what I call 'devil gods' scattered around the main god. To me that is something 'collected' not loved.


  1. On my sitting room wall I have the watercolours and oils painted by my first husband, who was recognised as being a very good painter. I also have two drawings by fellow artists. Which is my favourite? Well the one I look at most is one he painted of a garden on the Grand Canal in Venice - it reminds me of so many happy hours spent there over the years.

  2. There you are, something you like to gaze on and dream about ;)


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