Monday, November 16, 2020

Monday 16th November


Last night having fallen asleep in front of the television, a nudging on my legs woke me up.  Lucy was in a state.  She loves her idea of being naughty, which happens every evening.  Pulling magazines off the coffee table, grabbing a ball of wool and generally dancing round the room jumping up and down like a fat dowager.  But this time she had taken it a step too far, a long thread of wool out of her mouth told me that she had swallowed a helluva lot.  Wound round her legs as well, I grabbed her and slowly began to pull yucky wet wool from her mouth, several yards but it came out.  She won't learn though, anything chewable will go down the same way, but I'm glad she had a little fright, mine was larger though!

I watched Simon Reeves once more on Cornwall, this time in tears over the lovely farmer Chris Jones who had introduced beavers to his farm, to help stop the flooding lower down in the village.  He was so proud of his small family of creatures creating dams and ponds, you can see a video of beavers in other countries at the end.


  1. That video was so interesting. We have lots of beavers in our area of the US. Amazing what can happen when we don't interfere so much with nature!

    1. They were hunted to extinction in this country, but we now have them in several parts of the country. We even have them up the road at Cropton Forest, only introduced in April 2019, the original two have now produced three kits.

  2. No beavers in Oz but I’m hoping that I can see this series. Simon Reeves has been on out tv before, si I hope I can track it down.

    1. Simon Reeves is a marvellous communicator and the Cornwall series really shows the differences in this country, along of course with all those beautiful beaches and fishing villages of Cornwall.


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