Sunday, January 9, 2022

9th January 2021

Matilda's bad luck with her washing falling out of the window is blamed on the fact that we didn't take down the Xmas tree on the 6th!  Also having changed her old phone for a new one, walking down a London street she was assailed by the fact that there was no tracking device on the new one.  "I could have been stolen and no one would be able to find me"  She is so funny.

Today we go to a garden centre for lunch, leaving soon via a bus.  Something I will have to get used to, not owning a car anymore.  Garden centres have become a place of outing, you can wander round Christmas extravagances, books, candles, expensive clothes and then have a meal at the end.  The plants, shrubs and trees are a side show.

Apparently there is also fish there as well, how I remember going to a similar place in Bath and buying goldfish for the pond, the heron appreciated my purchases.  Once, maybe 20 years ago, my son fell in love with exotic frogs which he kept in an aquarium.  It fell to me to dig the worms from the garden to feed them, they flourished until small Tom removed the lid - we never found them sadly.


Suella Braverman accused of politically driven meddling over Colston Four 

Trial by Jury:  Were they right to exonerate the four Colston people of criminal charges?  Morally of course they were.  This is a cause felt strongly by many people that truth should be recognised.  This is what happened with the jury, the law took a backstage position.

The truth of Colston was not that he was a good man doing a lot for the city of Bristol but that he was a slave trader  (80,000),  purveyor of suffering and pain onto living human beings.  It was the time when our so called exploits overseas brought this country to a shame which today is being revisited.

Though I do not feel guilty for the past I can recognise that its truth needs to be outed.  The attorney general should not be allowed to play party politics.  Law is just but occasionally it has to bend to the will of the people.  This was recognised by the jury.  We should be thankful for our Anglo-Saxon ancestors and the Normans for choosing those 12 men and women to judge.  It introduced into judgement the different opinions of our society.  And of course there has been many precedents for juries voting over criminal law.  Protest might be disruptive but it carries on its back issues that need discussion by the wider world of this country.


  1. I think the decision to let the jury decide the outcome was a pragmatic one, the only fear being that it might set a precedent. If they had erected a statue to Jimmy Saville which was torn down after repeated attempts to get it classified as a chamber of horrors exhibit, can you imagine the outcry if the vandals were prosecuted? How about a life size bronze of Tony Blair?

    1. I think we are very good at pragmatic thinking in this country, a bit like pushing the problem under the carpet. There is enough controversy about Tony Blair without erecting a statue for him. Not sure how the petition against him getting an Order is but people have long memories.

  2. If they tried the republican party of acting politically in their responses to January 6th, there would be no republican party. Even now, there are a huge number that refuse to criticize the (in)action of the sitting president, simply because they covet his endorsement of their own political campaigns. The slavish devotion is really quite sickening.

    1. At what point does politics become corrupt I wonder. Looking from this side Debby, the denial of events that happened on January 6th by many members of the Republican party is sickening.

  3. Another good outing is to take things to the local tip, but they don't yet sell clothes or serve lunch there.

    1. And yes one of those people who recycles things on the television will leap on you, grab whatever you are throwing away, and make it into a stunning whatever! It was quite an experience the garden centre, they had another big shop across the road, full of stuff you don't need.


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