Thursday, January 27, 2022

Reading the Guardian this morning

So what molded your character I wonder?  For me it was the humour of past years, looking at the world through different eyes,  The Goon show, no I didn't like Harry Secombe or Peter Sellars but the others made you giggle.  They said, turn the world upside down, shake it, and see what comes out.  Spike Milligan was a classic interpreter, perhaps he was mad, who knows?  A play has been written about him and his relationship with the BBC.

Prince of Wales in his letter of congratulations to Milligan mentions 'steam radio'.  Those special Sunday lunchtimes when you listened to the radio were as holy as going to church!  We were still to enter the world of technology and hyped media, life was quiet (and better for it).  

The BBC like a great wounded elephant (fanciful) is being pulled down by the little twats that masquerade as our government.  Because the BBC doesn't say the right thing and praise our (introduce any swearword here) marvellous conservative government we have been saddled with.

Another voice leaps out of the media, this time Jack Monroe, I wrote about her not so long ago.  The MEASUREMENT OF POVERTY and how rising food costs hit the poorest and not the richest.  How the percentages are grossly unfair when you put inflation against money received by them and then the rich.  She has taken a Terry Prachett model in one of his 'Discworld' books.

Quite simple, Vimes Boots, pay a good price for a pair of boots and they last 10 years more or less, buy a cheap pair and they hardly last at all.

“Sometimes it’s better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness,” wrote Pratchett

Now for coffee.


  1. I am really glad to see that award ceremony again. I bet HRH laughed as well, but Spike Milligan got into trouble from all the other grovelling bastards. You know how I feel about the dismantling of the BBC.

  2. Sometimes I think the threat of dismantling the BBC is just that. Something wheeled out to distract us. Milligan as always made them all laugh, though sometimes he was not funny. Still he had the last word!

  3. 'The BBC like a great wounded elephant (fanciful) is being pulled down by the little twats that masquerade as our government. Because the BBC doesn't say the right thing and praise our (introduce any swearword here) marvellous conservative government we have been saddled with'.
    Hurrah Thelma, well said. No wonder the current set up is desperate to dismantle it and leave us to the mercy of commercial television. Terry Pratchett had the right idea. Janx ps lovely photos last? post.

  4. Last post got drafted for awhile Jan, Sometimes these post make me sad. But it is back with photos of the family;) Sometimes when I drag this government through my crossness I feel that I speak too loudly but they have such little minds, the thought of endless Sky news, ITV and its adverts and especially Netflix to knockout all the bad news that is happening, then BBC is like the NHS a permanent part of our country.

  5. Thank you for sharing that Jack Monroe info - hope she continues to shout loud

  6. How you measure percentage against the figures you are using is of course different in the groups of people Sue. I like how Pratchett's writing has been used to underline a flaw in statistical calculations.


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