Tuesday, March 8, 2022

08/03/2022 - truth and visuality

Just saying.  Flash mob in Trafalgar Square  We are all in this ghastly mess whether we like it or not.  It affects our country economically, trying to pretend it does not exist is not the option.  Whatever news you may hear from the BBC or the newspapers, will in all probability be speculation but not necessarily lies!

To those on the front line like Lyse Doucet and Clive Myrie, BBC journalists I listen to them.  They've been there and experienced all the horrors of war, give them space and credence.

Or this boy of 11 years old who alone travelled several hundred  miles to safety with a phone number written on his hand.

Courtesy of Sky News

And perhaps last of all, the Polish mothers who left baby buggies outside a railway station for the Ukrainian mothers.

 Empathy - Cognitive, Emotional and compassionate


  1. Someone said we shouldn't believe all we hear and see as it's probably lies and spin but surely there is a lot of truth in there, the queues of people wanting to leave are not doing it for fun are they?

    1. I cannot imagine what it would be like if it was this country Sue. Clutching children and animals Ukrainians are forced to leave their homes to the bombs, all because one little tin pot dictator had illusions of grandeur and emperor making.

  2. The truth is terrible and sad and there is no spin here. The more terrible it is the more people prefer to hide behind baseless theories like spin.

    1. Talking of spin Yael. This is slowly being understood by intelligence. The algorithms of the computer age need to be adjusted to exactly what they do pick up and the things they should refuse to show. It may mean more discipline in what is written though.

  3. Covid conspiracy theorists have something else to talk bollocks about. I think that it is all down to fear. Fear of an unpleasant reality.

    1. Yes that b****** has us exactly where he wants, spellbound in the light too fearful to move Tom. Chess pieces on the board, who will move first?

  4. I have commented that I don't know what to believe, but I'm referring to analysis of the causes and whether it should have been anticipated and whether it could have been prevented and if so how. It is indeed awful and affects us all.

    1. The trouble with power is that it can be manipulated by both sides, we could be punished for ignoring Putin all this time. That long table could have held a lot of people around it...

  5. The babybuggies cheered me considerably

    1. Exactly Pat, people do pull together. The Town Hall yesterday gathering supplies for Ukraine, was overwhelmed with stuff and were turning it away.

  6. A reasonable voice thank heaven. Jan Bx


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