Monday, March 28, 2022

A Lovely Mother's/Granny Day

The house is full.  Two Londoners came down Saturday evening to surprise their mother.  Very difficult to do in this house because everyone has a tracking device on their Apple phones (except me).  It rather put the walk at Hardcastle Crags out of view as we would have needed a people carrier's car.  So after extensive discussions it was decided to go to tea in Tod, the alternative, Hebden Bridge is full of tourists on a Sunday.  

So mostly it was a day planned round food, lunch was Richmond's vegetarian sausages in baguette.  I find that the vegetarian Richmond sausage packet looks like their real meat ones, it tends to confuse me.

Tea and cake in the afternoon: Tod is not renowned for its restaurants, they have a tendency to close down.  But we went to the one that advertised games.  Two shelves of boxed games and we ended up with a Wikipedia game, American biased.  Luckily I had not got my reading glasses so did not have to play.  Everyone is so much cleverer than me at remembering which American president presided over what.  Me I am stuck in the prehistoric age!

Social trivia blip in the news now!  Will Smith hit the compere on stage in an Oscar ceremony.  I will probably be on the side of Smith, the cruelty in some of the comedians on stage leaves a lot to be desired.

Evening meal was takeaway curry and the young ones watched a 'foul, funny' American programme, have you not noticed the word f*** is standard language now?  But I managed the Wordle yesterday evening very quickly, wicked when they throw out all the vowels, luckily 'y' still fills in as the 6th vowel.  It would make an interesting exploration as to why the Welsh language has such long difficult strings of letters that only have 'y' as the functioning vowel. 



  1. Yes, Wordle was " interesting" yesterday, but having quickly ascertained that none of the vowels were there I did it in 4 !

    1. I think I was 4 as well Frances. My first two words normally display all the vowels.

  2. I did it in two which I have to admit was of course a lot of luck but from my first word I only had an E correct, but not in the right place, so I threw in an obscure word beginning with E, but one that regularly comes up in Codewords, and lo and behold it was the correct answer. I had a mixture of pleasure and disappointment, disappointment that my Wordle for last night was over so quickly!

    1. Oh, I think I may have been thinking of the word of the day before. So many. I think I got that one in 3 but yesterday I did get it in two! And yes, it was still a lot of luck with that.

    2. That is the trouble Rachel, getting mixed up with the words. There were two 'y' wordles, and my theory is that they have similar word make-ups for the week, double 'ee' etc. This according to everyone else is wrong, random algorithm chooses the words but whatever method, Wordle is short enough for me, and alongside my virtual jigsaws keeps me happy.

    3. I like to have consonants because they help to find the fabric of the word and the vowels can be slotted in, and consonants that are wrong can soon be eliminated from the search for the right ones. I expect we all have our ways of doing it but I choose a different starter word each day, usually with three consonants.

    4. My first word always has three good consonants in it, it is funny how the word unravels as you stare at it probably soon we will all get bored with playing the game.

  3. Sounds a lovely day. I had a lovely morning as friends called, a quiet afternoon reading Raymond Carver's Short Stories ( Mothering Sunday present from my son and his wife)and then pizzas delivered for 6pm - delicious. (no going out as both me and my daughter in law are in wheel chairs and my son can't push two.

  4. I am sure the pizza at home was a good event Pat. A good day was had by all.

  5. Happy Mother's Day to you, Thelma!

  6. Sounds like you had a lovely day. My day was brightened by phone calls from both our boys (prompted by their dad as they rarley phone home) and a box of chocs from my husband after many heavy hints that men should show appreciation of the mother of their children. We're learning Welsh, north Wales version, and y is officially a vowel in Welsh. That was a tricky wordle, it took me three goes just to establish there were no vowels and then I got it.

    1. What always makes me laugh is that when I go through the news, there is always complaints about the word chosen from various sources. After all those years of not even receiving a card from my son, he now sends boxes of chocolates and a large box of fudge, for which I am grateful. But girls are usually different, they like the occasion Ruta.

  7. Are you referring to "NYMPH"? I guessed it in two because I am such a clever clogs!

    1. Or you were just lucky. They had two 'y' words last week. But it seems a lot of us in blogland are playing the game.


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