Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Ecologist

Yesterday thumbing through my emails, one from The Ecologist popped up.  It was about a meeting of like minded people in the green movement.  The video below is seven hours long, and I don't expect anyone to watch it, it is here recorded in my blog that is all.

It was held in Bristol, almost the home of the start of what I call 'green thinking'.  The theme was Schumacher's Small is Beautiful and the discussion ranged round that.  Names I recognised....  Herbert Girardet, Helen Browning (she runs an organic farm in Wiltshire) and Brendan Montague, editor of the Ecologist and who actually organised this day of discussion as to where it all went wrong - for it definitely has.

The book that started it?  Donella Meadows (and others) Limits to Growth in I think 1972.  I bought the book but it was hard reading, Meadows wrote another book on system changes - System Thinking you can find it in pdf form.

Girardet had written a poem "Sacrificing tomorrow for today" you can read it in that highlighted link. He talks of course of the unborn children who will inherit this Earth after we have gone, and yes the world is burning up just take notice in the lesser news.


 Let us sacrifice Tomorrow

on the altar of Now and Today.

Tomorrow is there for disposal,

so why not just throw it away?

I am an optimist in the end, and believe that with right thinking we shall slowly come around, after all growth is falling as are babies being born but it is a long road....

Update on the camping trip,  Hired car developed a slow puncture yesterday, so after taking down tent in pouring rain (they travelled from town to town in Wales looking for a tyre. Now fixed, and they are now in Aberystwyth in a B&B.  And did I mention that a fox at night stole Karen's coat?


  1. Assuning that said coat is lost for ever - perhaps Mrs Fox needed a cosy lining for her nest.

  2. It made me laugh Pat you don't expect to be attacked by wild animals in Wales.

  3. ... and to keep dry.
    Too many people taking much out of the world for too long.

    1. Well thinking of something that has been in the news Tasker - The Titanic, it is going to take a long time to turn this ship around.

  4. A fox stole a coat? I now have an image of a fox in disguise, casually walking down the street...

    1. Checking the coat wasn't taken but the poncho was - maybe with all that rain? Haven't you read Beatrix Potter;)


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