Wednesday, August 9, 2023


 The following video is about Todmorden. I don't really like the tone of Charlie Vetch, the person taking the video a certain scoffing note I detect. He names the video "The Anguished Road to Todmorden", he is the Anguished Road, or at least he titles all his videos like that.

What I find fascinating is that he captures some of the visual element of the town, but having only spent a few hours there, he just boards the train back to wherever he lives.

On closer inspection, this is what is written about him. Another person who gets into trouble with weird ideas. Death threats and David Icke - yikes, no wonder I found him scornful. Also I have a certain reservation about the beginning of the show, four policemen in Manchester to tackle a shoplifter, seems a bit strange.

But as a Youtube journalist he does capture some of the spirit of Tod, and he is obviously fascinated by the cobbled Water Street, that lies directly in front of the Town Hall.  He notes the river that runs alongside the street.  This is the river that divides the town into two counties, Lancashire and Yorkshire.  


  1. Even though our friendly narrator was a bit of a plonker, he still gave us some nice footage of Todmorden. It's surprising that you weren't out jogging Thelma - in your day-glo running suit with stretchy union jack headband.

    1. I have never done exercise Neal, relied on walking and working, so no I do not jog. In Fact would not be seen in jogging stuff on principal.

  2. So irritating I couldn't watch it.

    1. I must admit he is a self assured dimwit but that is how some people make money nowadays. ;)

  3. I'm sorry you didn't use mute, Tasker. It's just someone's nice home movie.

  4. I know you are into township Joanna, so it was quite funny what he highlighted. For instance the cobbles down Water Street had just been re-laid, and also the paving slabs outside the council building. Everyone of course still complained especially about a pedestrian crossing just yards from where traffic turned round a traffic island.


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