Sunday, August 6, 2023


  1. Cancel Culture:
  2. a social environment in which publicly boycotting or withdrawing support for people, organizations, etc. regarded as promoting socially unacceptable beliefs is widespread practice:
    "there's a middle ground between cancel culture and free speech absolutism"
  3. The other day, I asked the two girls what they understood about the 'cancel culture'.  I had just read about someone called Lizzo, a singer who had 'bullied' her dancers.  At the time I thought well everyone can seem to come on the internet and moan about whatever.  

Phillip Schofield has been cancelled recently as has J.K. Rowling, one for unspecified wrongdoing with a young minor and the other for her views on transgender.

If you have followed me for sometime you would find I hate cruelty of any kind, I am immediately on the side of the underdog.  But the people chosen to be cancelled are often celebrities and will then have this black mark hanging over their heads. Do they deserve them? well I am not Solomon but  I dislike intensely the ability of scores of voices on the internet to give voice to nastiness.

The Morrison man has just been with our shopping at 7 am no less, Matilda and I have unpacked it. The cat is zooming around like a mad creature, forget her age of 19 years, she is energetic, demanding and fussy and settling in perfectly well.

I did read something that pleased me though.  Trump on his appearance in court was brought down to ordinary status by the female judge who kept him waiting for 20 minutes, who treated him the same as she would treat any other 'felon' - sweet.

Also read the long article on this very interesting book called,  Looking For Eileen - How George Orwell wrote his wife out of his story by Anna Funder.

Rescuing those who have helped their loved ones through their writing careers is not very common.  And Anna Funder mentions the fact of culture cancellation, this time for George Orwell, should his actions be read as wrong through her book.  She is not condemning him only bringing to our attention the role that his wife Eileen played in his life, which somehow he never mentioned!

He was, as I keep reminding everyone, only acting as the society round him acted.  It was normal behaviour in his time, we cannot bring the lens of today to judge past behaviour.  History is already written and cannot be undone.


  1. What makes cancelling even worse is that - in most cases - the accused has not done anything illegal. Us Brits are very good at destroying the lives of those we are jealous of.

    1. Probably. The papers certainly take pleasure in pulling someone down Tom.

  2. You are right that there is a lot of nastiness on the Internet, Thelma. I remember the old saying, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." I wish more people would do that!

    1. Think there is just too many people out there Ellen.

  3. History gets rewritten all the time.
    ps: in Blogger console: Settings - 4th item in the Basic section at the top: Aduct Content - show warnings to blog readers. Is yours set to On ?

  4. Thanks Tasker yes it was. Slip of the hand maybe, see if it works now.

    1. Yes - seems ok now. Glad to help. Will know if it happens to me.

  5. Yes I read the reviews of the book on George Orwell and thought the same.

    1. She went to Spain with him, and typed out all his work but hardly mentioned by him Pat.

  6. Here, cancel culture is in full swing and it is very frightening to watch. The idea that we must teach both sides of slavery or the holocaust, or not teach it at all is horrifying. Yet it is happening.

    1. What with books being banned Debby in American libraries, the country slowly descends into goodness knows what. But of course there are only a few who take on this right wing nonsense.

    2. Texas shut down 28 school libraries in Houston. Someplace in the Midwest voted to defund the libraries.

    3. I think in this country Debby there would be a helluva fight should that happen.

  7. It is not just in the US that books are being banned. We have libraries in UK towns and cities deliberately making classic literature difficult to find on their shelves because of some imagined slight committed by the author many years ago.

  8. I remember there being confrontation over Brer Rabbit at one stage Will. Trouble is if you go hunting through books there will be plenty to find and it is a completely useless exercise. It's a bit like statues being brought down for the wickedness that was the slave trade. Colston in Bristol comes to mind, with so many things named after him.

    1. And the ongoing battle over Cecil Rhodes statue in Oxford. I just get the feeling that the people pushing for these "cancellations" are actually repeating the small-minded prejudices of the past by trying to airbrush out these people and objects.


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