Sunday, August 20, 2023

20th August 2023

Today is my daughter's birthday, presents to be opened later, tea and cakes at Lillie's cafe this afternoon and then takeaway meal tonight.  So I have chosen a song from my era, and as I type my fingers dance to the music.

We were discussing Carnaby Street this morning and clothes, her charity shop is set in an upmarket area in Manchester, and she is an expert on the 'vintage' clothes from 70s/80s/90 and the shop does well, especially as they get new unsold stuff from the fashionable small shops nearby.  

But what of Carnaby Street, I remember it as a lively place where stereotypes of my childhood were at last broken down and girls became independent and we had to struggle with short skirts and dresses.  Remember to go down, back straight and never bend over....

When you look at videos of the time the young were so much happier strutting their stuff, and we were so much thinner.  Three meals a day and not much junk, it just didn't exist.

Now women have to work because two jobs in the family is essential to pay for childcare, mortgages and the higher cost of utilities and food. We lose some things along the way, one obviously being the freedom of youth and we look at the youth around us and nag them as we were once nagged.

So a happy birthday to my lovely daughter, and the four grandchildren she has 'blessed' me with.  Okay Lillie I will forgive you that heart stopping moment last night when you said my new computer did not work and we then spent a panicked half an hour righting it.  You found the solution on the internet and everything is back to normal.  Luckily we had Andrew as well, who has a much calmer nature than myself.

  Naive and childish but fun.   
History of Carnaby Street - YouTube


  1. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Hope you all had an enjoyable day. I've only heard that song done by the Righteous Brothers and enjoyed this version of it too. I've always loved that song. Carnaby Street reminds me of my love of the Beatles. I was a "screamer" back in the day and I remember going to see their movie "Hard Day's Night" and screaming "George" everytime he came on the screen! Crazy days!

    1. I remember Long John Baldry from a long time back Ellen and we had a very good day.

  2. Loved it! Takes me back a bit. Happy birthday to your daughter.

  3. Ah, Long John Baldry - a much underrated blues singer.

    1. He is very good Will have been listening to his music.

  4. Happy belated giving birth day to you!

    1. Thank you very much Debby, Karen got several black blouses from Vintners or whatever, to open on the day and Andrew had ordered a large white vase for her from their Northumbrian holiday one which she had admired. The only problem was getting it down here, eventually the shop owner's husband brought it down for the cost of the petrol, 8 hours there and back, people are so good.

  5. Great intro to that particular version of "You've Lost That Loving Feeling". It's a great song that I had not heard for ages. I hope your daughter had a lovely birthday. I think it's wonderful that she wanted you to move home to Todmorden. She must love you very much.

  6. It has less of the verve of the Righteous Brothers but I think a much better version. She had a good birthday, Tom and Ellie came as well, Karen looks on Ellie to providing her with some grand children, we shall see. I think we are a family that love each other and the sorting out of the 'elderly' in the family has been rationed out;)


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