Wednesday, August 23, 2023

23rd August 2023

“All the being and the doing, expansive, glittering, vocal, evaporated; and one shrunk, with a sense of solemnity, to being oneself, a wedge-shaped core of darkness, something invisible to others.” 

― Virginia WoolfTo the Lighthouse

 A question:  How do you butter the holes in sourdough bread?

this is what I wrote yesterday, the blankness of the holes in the bread stopped me from writing further, is that what is called an existentialist question, never mind.  One of the problems you will see from the above is accessing my computer because I am setting my small table loom on the same table.  One good thing is I can use You tube for the 'Warping of a Rigid Ashford Loom' but it makes it rather difficult to type.

The trip to Hebden went well, when Karen had remembered to message Tom and Ellie at which cafe to meet us we found a table.  The little square in which the cafe is, is crowded from people wandering around, some definitely tourist, whilst at one end of the square is a pile up of the motorbike lads, (all this side of 50 years old).  Music is playing as is the sun brightening up the scene.  We pottered around a couple of charity shop, I have no desire to acquire anything anymore,, so for me it is browsing and wondering about all the lives these clothes, books and jewellery were home to.

Ellie fell in love with Mollie, whose piercing tones from the top of the stairs summoned a presence and Ellie obeyed meekly.  Mollie has settled into my room and hardly wanders around the other rooms in the house, she is settled, safe and secure in one room and that is the way she likes it.

I went through the December 2015 blogs this morning and thought this would fill in for the photographs I no longer take. So here is 'Wednesday' from which the above Virginia Woolf quote comes from.  And the 27th December 2015 when the rain fell unceasingly and the basement of this house was flooded.


  1. Pottering around Hebden Bridge and a nice cafe for a coffee - sounds bliss on a nice day. I can see that Mollie is gradually taking command.

    1. Mollie definitely has her routines. One of which is waiting for me to go to bed so that she lie on top of me, little white paws tucked under her chest and purring away.

  2. I like Hepden B. and quite a few I know have moved there, although I don't think I would want to. It is rather touristy.

    1. It is a popular place to live Tasker, very (old) hippy orientated place but there is a movement from there to Tod which has cheaper housing and has more supermarkets, well three.

  3. The bread must be hot and the butter soft! I wonder if Mollie will expand her territory as she grows more familiar with her people and her place?

    1. But butter will still drip through the hole Debby. Mollie is quite a little cat and I think the rest of the house scare her.

  4. Your loom set up is intriguing! I think I would simply keep the keyboard on my lap.

    1. Trying to do too many things at once is my problem Joanne, annoying thing yesterday the sound went on my computer, it is back now but such things are a bit worrying.


Love having comments!