Monday, February 12, 2024

12th February 2024

There is a bright arrow in my heart speeding its way towards spring.  Straight it goes for the moment only.  Otherwise I have had a cluster of migraines that drain me of energy.  I had thought to see the back of migraines several years ago but then like a bad penny they show up and render one useless.  I think it is to do with the weather, mysterious forces and all that, well either low or high pressure!

What is the use of pulling the heart strings over the terrible tragedy of that six year old shot in the car whilst she waited for an ambulance to arrive in Gaza.  It has haunted me all weekend, I haven't spoken out because of fear of upsetting others.  But as I listened to an American Palestinian cardiologist recite the name of 90 of his relatives killed, and photos of young children flashed on the screen, I had to write something.  Andrew said write but don't publish and that is what I have done.  I weep for every Jewish, Yemen, Palestinian and so many other children in the world who have had their  their lives cut short by war or cruelty.

By the same token I watched a rally of thousands upon thousands of Houthi men in Yemen - it was scary.


Well I have spent a fortune on patchwork material, and found my first handicap, I cannot cut straight, seem to veer off to the cutting line, this is due to one eye losing a certain amount of sight.  Talked to myself about patience and am getting there.  I love the colours of the materials, and watching Kate from The Last Homely Home, realise you can create a shading coloured quilt of many hues.  But of course you need loads of material..... I will put her website on down below.  She was very soothing when I could not do anything because of my head.

I cannot believe how dark it is this morning, but it says down below rain and snow at 3 degrees. My daughter has a free day come Monday, and a load of washing is being done.  (It was after all wash day on a Monday).

Yesterday I made the favourite meal of everyone but not me.  Pick the roast chicken of every edible piece you can find, add tarragon, mustard, cheese and cream and then bake in the Aga.  My vegetarianism is not as good as it could be but I stick mostly to a vegetable diet and with one of those 'plant' burgers to be found in the supermarket.

Last Homely House


  1. That girl killed waiting for an ambulance wore me down so much that I wrote the last post. Not talking about it for fear of upsetting others does not help me. I have to vent it.

    1. It needs to be talked about. I could not bear to listen to the tape. My grand daughter is 5. I would have listened to that voice and saw Iris' face. It is awful and it can 't be stopped.

      I am sorry about your migraines. They are miserable things.

    2. Hi Debby, I know you have been very eloquent about as has Tom. The two ambulance men that went to get her were also killed, such a wanton waste of life. And there all the political leaders just mouth empty words about NOT calling for a ceasefire, it makes one sick of our governing members.

    3. You were right Tom of course, unless we express our horror how can we sit back and allow this genocide to take place. One evil does not need another evil to absolve it. It is as if morality has broken down and also democracy.

  2. Sorry to hear about your headaches. I think it's the weather as that is what gives me headaches. I have turned into a giant barometer who can tell when a storm front is moving in due to my headaches. Not as bad as they used to be but still annoying.

  3. Yes Ellen I think they must be weather related, we forget we are part of nature.

  4. I had a washday Monday too, though a lot less strenuous than my mother, grandmother and countless earlier generations had to endure every week.

    1. Hi John, Monday was the day, I had a wringer on the machine when I was first married, and then a hoovermatic twin tube. My daughter still remembers it with much scorn. But today's washing machines with their all electronic gubbings, when they breakdown it is almost impossible to mend them not like the old ones.

  5. I used to get three day migraines. For years. Then they went away.

    1. I thought mine had gone away Joanne but not so.

  6. While I don't believe in an eye for an eye, even if I did, Israel's response to the very bad event in October and I don't underrate it, is way over the top. I am not sure how the world has allowed an ongoing attack that has killed 27,000.
    Sorry about your migraines. They must be awful.
    There are some very meat based meals that I would miss too much to become a vegetarian.

  7. Hi, Yes you are right, why has the world, and my world figures US and UK, been so backward about not calling for a ceasefire. Somehow I think the 'voice of the world' is starting to get through though. My daughter's migraines are equally bad it is inherited.
    I think as far as vegetarianism is seen as, a reduction of meat is not a bad thing. Then of course we have Veganism and I can never give up decent cheese or cream..


Love having comments!