Monday, February 5, 2024

5th February 2024

Funny memes, things that are not true.  Will AI be like this?  Silly little monkey found a way out, so the media picked up the story, and eventually the Japanese monkey was caught, tranquillised and taken back to its enclosure.  End of story.
Looking to the future, and the first aliens landing on our denuded world. Then my mind begins to crack with giggles as I imagine them looking through our voluminous media. 

So who runs this place they will ask?  Those yellow ants or that funny furry thing sitting in water.  We are leaving false and fraudulent evidence for the  archaeologists. Those aliens will look on our beautiful landscapes and ask the question: why? did those humans manage to destroy all this.  And I don't know the answer.  Greed, self complacency.  Perhaps in the knowledge we only have short lives, we don't give a damn to what comes after.

I shall get back to my sewing machine, sew a few more patches and shorten the kitchen curtains and be sensible.  And once more think of the owl that woke me this morning hooting away, is it romance time for owls?

The photo comes courtesy of Yahoo News.


  1. I like the kilted one best. It reminded me of a photo of Julie Andrews breaking the covid rules and being arrested as she runs over the Austrian mountainside.

    1. We will all end up mad, nothing will be truthful just monkeys quaffing drinks in a hot tub and Julia Andrews skipping over the Alps forever young..

  2. I believe aliens laugh at how we make mashed potato.

  3. "For mash get Smash"? How to destroy proper mashed potatoes. First of all dehydrate potato to powder, then add water, and lo and behold mashed potato. Dr. Michael Mosley would be having a fit....

    1. First, turn an edible potato into an inedible substance. Then turn the inedible substance back into something vaguely edible. Seems like you could avoid several steps there. Just cook and eat potato.

    2. Well someone at the time thought it was too much work to mash real potatoes Debby.

    3. You know there is something called 'Uncrustables' here. It is prepackaged peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. You get can get a package of 10 of them for just shy of $10. And the wonderful thing? The crusts are cut off!

      But people buy them. They are convenient.

    4. Don't get me started. Have you got 'Uncrustables' over there? You can buy 10 premade peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with the crusts already cut off. Just grab a plastic wrapped sandwich from the freezer. About $10 a box. What could be easier?

    5. No we haven't but again stupidity reigns. The manufacturers presume we are all lazy not forgetting that crusts are good for you!

    6. Blogger makes me crazy. Sorry for the dup comment.

  4. I do not wish to contemplate owls having romance thank you very much. Besides, the main reason that owls hoot is define their territories... I just googled it and it seems that owls are most vocal in the late winter and this can indeed be related to the process of mating.

  5. They have such pretty baby owls, all big eyes and fluffy.

  6. Greed and ignorance. That's what's destroyed our planet. Heading rapidly towards "When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money."

  7. Do you think that is why the rich are pioneering rockets to take themselves to faraway planets, but the money won't be of any use there either.


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