Wednesday, April 24, 2024

24th April 2024

 Sometimes just sometimes I could scream at the internet.  Today is one of them.  QR codes, can I upload from the medicine company I am trying to establish my ID with - no way.  It all began...... when my  BP pills prescription had not come through.  So I thought to order privately, a hopeless task and probably by tomorrow or next day the order will be cancelled because of zero ID and hopefully I should get my money back.  On phoning the doctor's surgery, they had never received my prescription but have promised my pills in two days.  Wonder if someone nicks the prescription forms out of the box, I do like a drama ;)

The other thing that has happened is that when I went to have the lenses in my glasses changed, only one lense on two pairs of glasses, the girl who did it on my two pairs of glasses got it wrong, so now my short sighted glasses have changed to my long sighted ones.  So another trip on the bus to Hebden Bridge.

Actually if I want to go on the train alone without a family member I am stuck if I do not have my train ticket on my phone.  But A) I don't know how to do it and B) my phone seems to go dark when outside and I need to change my glasses - this is followed by a lot of swearwords!

I managed when we changed gas years ago and I managed when we went on the metric system but I am damned if I can manage my phone!

Minor rant over.

Hocking Hills State Park

Then I went downstairs for lunch and found a postcard from a dear friend in America which cheered me up.  So thank you Loie, I know you sometime read my blog.  Sadly in this country the mink you mention would probably be shot.  Eating local creatures and especially the water vole makes it a vicious predator.  I see they are American, the mink in England got out because unfortunately the mink were in fur farms.  They were released by people to give them freedom and have colonised our river banks ever since,
But indeed the park is an incredibly beautiful place with all its waterfalls.


  1. I'm getting a dozen spam calls every day on my mobile - this is a new thing and \i hope it stops soon. Love and hate relationship with all things tech!

    1. Luckily my phone seems to recognise spam and gets rid of it Sue.

  2. My sister and I call it "Dad's VCR" when we can't figure out tech stuff as that was the new technology that my Dad could never figure out! I keep trying to keep up but they keep changing the rules!
    Lovely park photo, Thelma. Makes me calmer just looking at it. :)

  3. It is almost impossible to understand everything Ellen, I just give up in the end.

  4. I could have similar rants Thelma - partly due to my not keeping up with being competent on my computer. Unless I do something at least a couple of times a week I forget how to do it. Which really means I am not competent in using the thing - if I was I would know half a dozen ways of doing everything. If the one way I know doesn't work I feel like chucking the thing out of the window.

    1. Well I have a series of passwords to go through on my computer (all in my head) and many more written down in my green book but QR codes beat me Pat. As my son always used to say, 'don't panic mum, just put your finger on the off button for 20 seconds and it will all go away'.

  5. Yes, mink - an example of the law of unintended consequences. Do-gooder animal rights activists released mink from fur farms, and have now created a serious danger to much of the indigenous riverside native wildlife, as well as the mink undermining river banks. I shudder to think of the potential consequences of some of the rewinding schemes involving lynx, wolves etc. that the National Trust seems intent on.

    1. Yes it was an action gone wrong with nobody thinking about the consequences Will. But then with all this pumping of sewage and farm waste into the rivers humans are doing terrible damage to the system.
      I expect there is a whole essay on how the ecology of a country evolves over time.

  6. I too am a reluctant user of my mobile phone. To start with I can't read anything on it without my glasses, why bother which a 2 inch screen when I have a lovely big 17 inch monitor on my PC at home? I'm fine using my PC and why would would I want to do my banking on my phone, or even on-line when billions are lost through banking fraud every year. As for phone calls I don't make many personal calls and I certainly wouldn't want to be chatting especially to my doctor as I'm walking in the street or supermarket. My phone is only there for emergencies when I'm in the car or to keep in touch with my walking group's lift share WhatsApp group. Everything else I can do on my PC. Don't know about train tickets as we never travel anywhere.

    1. Yes Ruta I have a big screen as well and never do banking by phone, though I do envy my relatives who just flash their phone when it comes to paying the bills, I just flash my card ;) One good thing is keeping track of parcels, I might even write about that. But watching the little icon come nearer and nearer to your house is quite fun.

  7. Don't you have ticket machines on the platform? I get tickets from those. I don't own a smartphone, only one that does text and calls, and half the time I leave it at home, switched off.

    1. Yes but only if it works, there is a ticket office, though under closure I think. Actually the bus is better because it is free.

  8. My younger brother is not terribly good with his phone, one of my old ones. I tell him while not changing any settings, play with your phone. Find out what it can do that will be useful to you and how to do it. Patience and persistence but he won't do it. Mastering your phone can make life easier but at times the fault is not with you but the way sites and systems are designed.

    What a lovely and gentle looking waterfall.

  9. Actually Andrew I am happy that I have a phone. The messaging system is good and phone calls also, once it took me absolutely months to swipe right 'as it says in the packet'. I don't read my news on it, my large screened computer is all I need for that.


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