Friday, August 16, 2024

16th August 2024

Not much to write today but I thought to introduce you to the latest professor I listen to.  A funny man who wears headgear in the house, but taking this small sign of vanity away and you have an articulate person ready to give his opinion on the state of the nation.  He is not a Cicero or a Tacitus, hesitates at times but his analysis makes you think.  Here he is talking about 'The Arrest of Instigators Begins' by  Professor Tim Wilson.
As he points out there is a lot wrong with Britain at this time but if we were to give a more hopeful and optimistic view to the world around us things could get better.
What we saw in the riots was hopeful.  A revulsion against right wing violence, which followed  on so rapidly after the terrible killing of the three children at Southport.  A counter protest movement moved rapidly into place and the far right thugs quickly rounded up and are now in the process of receiving prison sentences.  Thank goodness we have a prosecutor at the head of government now. It does remind you of the Roman assemblies doesn't it? 
Law has always stood as the lion at the gate, no one can duck their bad behaviour in society, we come before the judge and jury, it is called Common Law, we answer to our fellow men for our deeds.  
Manipulative words, and here I am talking about Musk and his domination of social media.  He is but one voice, and can disappear easily underneath the rabble of other voices, is trying it on.  Rather foolishly one might think.  But whilst we have lazy news, only able to pander to the media through names that are meant to shock we will have worry.
We need other voices out there, and we do have the means to air them.  That's a thought!


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