Wednesday, August 7, 2024

7th August 2024 - Holidays

 Lillie has gone to Whitby for the week with her friends, she is 18 years old now not the little girl here sorting her books.  But it is good to look back at photos.  I will look up the blogs I have written on Whitby, a town my daughter moved to probably in 2006, and put them down below.  Whitby has such a history it is almost impossible to grasp the full historical feel of the town.  It attracts most of the North to its fun-loving aspects, fish and chips, cheap junk and penny machines, it just throbs with life.
Photos capture its magic, and a fuzzy blurred video captures the silliness of the interpretations we put on our history.  The video always brings tears to my eyes as the reduced replica of the 'Bark Endeavour' ship surrounded by its little flotilla of modern ships buzz round it like bees as it sails into harbour. 
My daughter and I have mixed responses to the town but Lillie like me is drawn back to it, it was the place she was born.

Whitby harbour


  1. Gorgeous town.
    If I was living or holidaying in Whitby, I would love to live behind the lighthouse. Not only is it a gorgeous facility in its own right... but it has the best view of the water.

    1. The water round the lighthouse can very rough sweeping across the promenades Hels, I would choose a cottage higher up.

  2. I went to Whitby as a child......(from Leicester, must have been on the train as we didn't have a car until I was 10). It must have been about 70 years ago! I remember that there was a sort of stone built hut with steps up to it , by the quayside and quite large puppets ( on strings I think) cavorted in the front of it.

    1. Well slightly different entertainment now Frances but the cottages are still there though now have more sophisticated interiors for the incomers, the locals live further out.

  3. I can see why that fuzzy video brings tears to your eyes. I wonder how they got the ships into harbour without motors and tugs in the old days.

    1. I see your point but I see the funny side of how people love to 'play' with history there is a certain sadness about it Tom.

  4. I've only been once - it was very busy and crowded is what I remember most

    1. Especially when they opened the bridge for the boats to go through Sue as the crowds built up on either side.

  5. I really wish I had visited. It looks terrific.

    1. You would have enjoyed it Andrew, it has an atmosphere that is unique.

  6. Yes, I remember you posting about Whitby! I have a small print of Whitby that I bought in a resale shop on the wall in my living room. I remember I didn't know anything about that place until I read about it on your blog, Thelma! :)

  7. Yes I remember you telling me about the print you had Ellen. there are lovely old photos by Frank Meadow Sutcliffe as well.


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