Friday, August 30, 2024

31st August 2024

 Garden video

Well Andrew managed to upload my video from the phone to the camera.  Of course obviously he can as computers are his work.  Now I go round singing to myself "Hey you get off of my cloud".  The earwig for the day!

I notice it is on a rolling link, and no interruption between stopping and starting.  It is there purely for family entertainment and is 8 minutes long.


  1. What a lush, jungle of a garden! So lovely to hear all of the voices enjoying all of the beautiful plants!

  2. I shall always have on record my daughter saying that EVERY fig has a wasp in it. As if!

    1. The female wasp, a very tiny species, does die in the fig but the fig absorbs the wasp's body.

    2. Thank you Ruta. I looked at the article and it is true wasp mums, go into some of the figs and lay eggs, they die in a couple of days after because they lose their wings as they crawl through. Ultimate motherhood sacrifice.

  3. One of the first records I ever bought for my Dansette Viva record player £14 14s 0d from Kays Catalogue.

    1. I remember the Dansette name John and all the change we carted around to pay for things. Pounds, shillings and pence, now we mostly just flip a card.

  4. Replies
    1. Except it is not 'lost' Tom but definitely needs recognising as unique.


Love having comments!