Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Afternoon news

 My two favourite commentators have returned to the screen, Rory Stewart has been in Afghanistan, which accounts for them not being around....

08/08/2024; A sort of update.  Yesterday was quiet and the counter protest came out to protect vulnerable buildings and to challenge the lawlessness.

My daughter came home early from work in the afternoon, the Northern Quarter of Manchester had been closed down by the police - pubs, bars, restaurant and shops and two of her friends sweetly escorted her to the station.  It must have been a bit of a disappointment to the instigators and I hope when Robinson sets foot back in England, he will be arrested.  The news of there being right wing clashes on Wednesday evening was probably a hoax.  


  1. I met a woman yesterday who told me that her Muslim friend's car had been vandalised and daubed with something to the effect that her kind were not welcome here. I was in the hospital when I was told this and the friend in question was a doctor. I think we DO need more of her kind. Anyway I was checked in by an Indian woman, had my blood taken by someone from Thailand and then saw a Chinese doctor - the usual Egyptian one is on his holidays. It was all very jolly and, apart from having a very sharp needle stuck in my arm, there was no violence involved.

  2. Good story John of how much we rely on people from different countries. My son's best friend is from Ghana, and my granddaughter's boyfriend, beautiful as he is, is ethnically different. The truth is I hardly notice people's ethnicity just their role in life. We would be lost without all these people. I had a blood test the other day, absolutely painless but a big dark bruise there. Who can forget Tony Hancock's famous outburst when going to donate blood, the nurse said they wanted a pint. Shock, horror, "a pint, that's a whole armful!"

  3. I love Tony Hancock and that line always makes me laugh. When I visited the UK many decades ago, I wanted to go to East Cheam - was it Railway Cuttings? I’ll google it after I post this comment.

  4. It sounds like you had a bit of a tense day, but it's good to hear that your daughter was safely escorted home and that the response to the unrest was effective in protecting the community. It’s always reassuring when authorities can act swiftly to keep things under control. Let’s hope the situation continues to stabilize and that any instigators are held accountable.

    I just posted a new blog post I invite you to read and let me know what you think about it. Thank you!

  5. Did you find it Sue, I am sure it was made up the address. There was another scene, the 'aeroplane' where he is clinging to a the cockpit window, I am sure he was saying 'let me in'


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