Thursday, August 1, 2024

An edit

Bang! I have spent the last hour trying to remember the name of the system I bought to play music on, tapes and the radio.  Silver coloured long line it had that wonderful slow rising lid, like the slow shutting drawers that you now see on kitchen cupboards. It was of course Bang and Olufsen. Something like this.

I had spent two months working at Castle Acre Priory excavation, probably drawing and came back and spent my whole earnings on this sound system.  My son was able to take it back to the shop in Bath, after many years use, and get an up to date record player for his records in exchange. I was sad to see it go but I don't think it worked. 

I still love its line, smooth and sleek it looked grown-up!


  1. B&O hi-fi - that brings back memories of 1970s style!

    1. Children buried deep in the Argos catalogue after cheap plastic gimmicks, had 'green shield stamps' vanished by then? And those horrible transistors all colour and no taste to be held to the ear.

  2. How the generations change :)

    1. I suppose the last century had its own 'antiques' Hels.

  3. It makes me laugh. I began with records, and then 8 tracks. And then cassettes. And then CDs. And now, I just use my phone. But it makes me laugh that the kids are getting excited about 'vinyl' again. Why? The skips and the pops...

    1. Well I still haven't mastered a Spotify song list on my phone Debby. But as you see I have such an eclectic taste, George Ezra is a favourite at the moment.

  4. They were beautifully designed and I believe had excellent sound quality. The interest in vinyl is weird. CDs were and I think still are quite amazing.

  5. Technology like fashion goes round and comes back Andrew. But it made decent music and looked good.

  6. I still have all my records in the boxes you could get. The record deck is in the loft. But I don't have the right leads and connectors for today's tech.

  7. Now of course everything connects up invisibly we are plugged into the world. Not sure that is a good thing though.


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