Saturday, August 17, 2024

17th August 2024

 Yesterday coming back from the shop I developed a migraine, with aura beforehand. I become aware of an upcoming headache by those wavy lines that blur my sight, making in impossible to use the computer or read. I am glad of the warning and the fact that though I have sickness and headache it is never so bad as past migraines.

So this morning I have travelled over Bath City by drone on my computer and thought what a beautiful symmetrical city it is. No terrible skyscrapers, just an ordered city sitting within the seven hills surrounded by trees.  The Green Belt has of course protected it, also the hills of course but it is the vigilant eye of such places like English Heritage that keeps a wary eye on the grade listed buildings.

Goodness knows where the next lot of new housing will figure in the English countryside but we desperately need new affordable housing for our young people.

I have been watching McDonald and Dodds television series, two odd characters that solve crime in the city.  Of course it makes me homesick to watch all the shots of Bath, but at looking at some of the houses that are filmed it.  Boy there is a lot of money around in the fair city, also of course tourists but floating above it all it still looked beautiful.

Also listened to Anthony Scaramucci and his prediction that Trump will bow out. Maybe, maybe not, but I would rejoice having the name Scaramucci.

Also debating a book written by CEO of Microsoft A1,Mustafa Suleyman.  The book is called 'The Coming Wave' and is all about A1.  I have become very suspicious of an awful lot of what is written and the photos I see on the net is their capacity to fool you. A1 is an enormous breakthrough but has an incendiary nature to go off into realms we had not even thought of yet.  Can the human race keep its head above water? We developed the Atomic bomb which had a catastrophic effect in the cities it exploded in, killing hundreds of thousands of people.  Whilst nuclear rockets hang in perpetual threat above our heads.  So does what ever technology we create, once given flight, remain with us forever or do we try to regulate.

Anyway, a more peaceful end to my witterings, the  video on Bath.


  1. The main value of a pre-migraine warning is when you are driving. Depending on how much before the migraine starts, I would either drive straight home and park the car, or leave the car in a safe place and ring a taxi/spouse/child to pick you up. Driving yourself would be too dangerous, for you and for the rest of the people on the roads.

    1. I gave up my car a couple of years ago Hels because my eyesight was beginning to go. It is dangerous to be on the road if you can't judge accurately.

  2. Another reminder of how lucky I am to live in Bath. I was thinking yesterday about how many secret gardens there are here which can only be seen from the air.

    1. Drones have a lovely slow way of taking you over the countryside Tom and you are right, you are lucky, though from a ground view it always seems more crowded.

    2. I have been in love with camera drones ever since I first saw some footage at an Italian museum years ago. Bath is more crowded now than ever before. Sometimes I have to escape.

    3. Tourism is a problem all over the world and it is causing ructions in some cities. My first experience of drones were photos of the Roman Bartlow barrows, looking down on something is an extraordinary experience. Now they find dogs by drones, bomb people and spy on them. Already used in the wrong direction.

  3. Sorry you get migraines but it sounds like you know what to do to stop them in their tracks. Hope so!
    I was surprised that Bath looks so crowded with buildings but has a smaller population than the city I live in! I kept wondering where is all of the traffic, as all of those large buildings look like they would hold many, many people but I guess they don't. Lovely green countryside surrounding it all and I love when I can see small flocks of birds flying below.

  4. It is a very soothing video isn't it Ellen. The population is increased hugely by tourists though and something quite rare in other cities in England there are plenty of central flats to live in.

  5. Scaramucci said that??? It would be wonderful, but I don't see that happening. I will wait, but I will not hold my breath.

  6. Yes he is probably a scoundrel, changing his colours but as a Republican, he did state quite categorically that he didn't like the man. I watch him with Katty Kay? on 'The Rest is Politics US' Debby.

  7. I did not realize that you got migraines. They are a misery. I used to get terrible ones. Just awful, like the shot of demerol at the emergency room bad. But they stopped. For whatever reason, after chemotherapy, I just stopped getting migraines. I will never understand it, but I don't miss them in the least!

  8. Over the last few years mine have eased off Debby. I just get one every now and then and they are less painful, in the beginning they were nightmares.

  9. It is the social and societal changes that are hard to predict with AI. It can generate wealth and freedom, but unfortunately it will not be shared fairly. Computers already have, but the main benefits concentrate in the hands of the few.

  10. I suppose the manipulation of videos and speeches especially in the political sphere is worrying. We have all developed a hard skin against silly advertising, but there is an underlying fear that maybe the computers will become more intelligent than us. I definitely don't want Hal around;)

  11. "I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do."
    As spoken by Hal in '2001 A Space Odyssey' Who can forget his creepy voice?


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