Tuesday, September 10, 2024

10th September 2024

 I have nothing to write about really.  I notice the 'stolen goods' is out of the fridge, probably been thrown away as only Lillie likes steak.  The story is that someone came into the charity shop with no money and went to take some stuff.  She was apprehended, my daughter just tells them to go away and not come back.  But the girl did come back with this piece of expensive meat -'security protected' in exchange for the clothes she wanted.  My daughter found some clothes for free but obviously refused the meat but the girl insisted on leaving it, after all she had no where to cook it.  Is this England I hear you say? Stealing from a charity shop.

Working in a charity shop is good for all the students that volunteer to work there they get to see a different life. 

There are the rogues, there are the poor, and there are those who are always looking for a bargain to sell on and then of course 'ordinary people' who just want some cheaper essential clothing. Charity shops are a game, top designers are hunted for amongst the racks of clothes, football shirts, strange caps.  You may go in on a whim for a jigsaw puzzle but they are essential not only for the money they bring in but for a brief glimpse of the state of the nation.

The heating allowance is cause for concern at the moment, poor Starmer has lost all his brownie points alongside his chancellor who made the decision;  who should have it and who should not?  Well if I was in charge of the country (I know you are all grateful I am not).  But I should soak some of the rich buggers who have helped themselves from the till of the Treasury, I believe a third of the Covid handouts went into the pockets of those contractors who supposedly supplied a lot of the stuff.

Yes I know that is normal!  Simon Jenkins said this morning in an article that they could save the same amount of money from HS2 which still has money to be spent on it.  The Stonehenge Tunnel fiasco has been dealt (hopefully) a last blow and will not be built.  It was not a vanity scheme such as HS2 but its disruption of the countryside and especially the history of the landscape was too  big.


  1. With nothing to write about, it took me two minutes to read nothing to write about.
    I read today about the electricity concession only going to the poorest. If that means those on full social security payments, and those on very low incomes, I am ok with that. The middle class and rich should not be receiving such a subsidy. Perhaps the cut was too severe. Energy needs to be looked at in your country to know who is supplying it and who is making a lot of money from the supply of energy. I would expect a Labour government to do that.
    To receive the dole money, my ABI Brother works 20 hours a week in a charity shop as a volunteer. He should be on a disability pension but he refuses to acknowledge his mental disability. He does function very well.

    1. I tend to let my fingers run Andrew.
      that is what most people feel about the Winter Fuel Payment, why crucify the poor when you are supposedly a Socialist party but I expect the excuse is it would take too much trouble to sift the poor, or indeed the deserving, from the rich. Not sure what ABI is but everyone should have the right to food, warmth and a roof over their head.

  2. I wish you were running the country Thelma - our fourth female PM. You would give jobs to your family and blogmates and I would be The Minister of Education or better still - Silly Walks!

    I worked at out local Oxfam shop for five years and occasionally we would get shoplifters in. I remember one who yelled at me: "What the **** are you looking at?" so I said, "I am just making sure that you don't steal anything." A couple of other customers laughed at that. Is Lillie's charity shop in Todmorden?

    1. Shoplifters are a pest, and the supermarkets are out to get them atm. But no it is my daughter who is the manager, Lillie is her daughter, now in London. The shop is in the high end Northern Quarter of Manchester, so it gets a lot of good stuff given. Isn't that called nepotism when you handout jobs to friends and family ;)
      Think we have had enough of that with the last lot in government.

    2. Oops sorry. I knew that Lillie was your youngest granddaughter. I got mixed up.

  3. I don't know...I might be tempted to vote for the Soak-The-Rich-Buggers Party. In fact I was once naive enough to think that I was voting for such a party. It seems now that the economic policy once followed in Sherwood Forest is not transferable to the modern age.

  4. Yes that is sad isn't it John, it's a race to the top and don't worry about the bodies you trample on. Starmer has a hard job but this Winter Fuel business was a wrong first step. I would never have done it.....

  5. I love resale shops (our name for your charity shops, I think). I get most of my clothes there and always am happy to find a treasure.

    1. Charity or resale shops as you call them Ellen have become quite fashionable to the point though I think when some things are overpriced. Absolutely tons of stuff is 'ragged' though. It is funny to think that the 'rag and bone' man still figures in our language.

  6. It's quite sad to think of someone who needed clothing so badly she needed to steal from a charity shop...and then came back with meat, because she had no where to cook it. It seems like life is way harder than it needs to be for so many people. I hope something good happens for her.

  7. Only last week Debby I stopped to talk to someone, who told me she had the eviction notice from her flat. She has a 12 year old daughter and nowhere to go except someone's spare bedroom. Such small stories are everywhere, there is not enough accommodation and food banks are increasingly asking for more contributions. This is a rich country.
    If I see the argument that the railway drivers do not deserve better wages I shall quietly scream. They are in charge of people's lives every day, ask what a CEO has done to deserve his bonus. End of small rant;)


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