Wednesday, September 4, 2024

4th September 2024

I have just worked out what is happening with Mollie.  She missed me over the weekend away and now demands my presence near her.  Her furious yowling at the top of the stairs is explained.  Being 19 years old and deaf explains the rest of it.

Well today I trekked to the other side of town to get her food from Morrison, Purina's Gold pate, though she will eat the Savoury cake if there is nothing else on offer but there is a bit of  battle of wills over that.

I set off just after eight this morning, and walked down the canal, a certain coolness but sun and blue sky, ducks sitting on the side of the canal but no Canadian geese, obviously snoozing somewhere else.  Towards this end you come to a very cobbled path under the road.  But before that I noticed two great escapees of Russian Vine or mile a minute on the other bank.

Plant it at your peril, it is rampant and will happily push through everything even paving.

The narrow road between the steep sides of the valley had commuters going to work, up on the road restaurant owners were opening up and gave me a happy 'good morning', Tod was waking up, though yesterday there was a slightly different story to tell about the road.

The Morrison lorry on a too tight turn. Holding up the traffic for sometime

Narrow roads through steep wooded valleys do not make a happy combination. It took me sometime to find the things I wanted at Morrison, normally we have a fortnightly delivery from them. But they are expensive compared to Lidl and Aldi, Aldi is the one supermarket  I have never visited yet.

Home again to wait for Post Office parcels.  I had missed one yesterday because it needed a signature, so I waited in the kitchen for her.  Poor lass she was so apologetic about the signature, she had asked her supervisor could she leave it inside the door but of course he said no.  Have you seen the unintelligible scribble we have to put on a PO phone but I assured her that I didn't mind sitting around in the kitchen.  Three parcels came today, Lillie's of course and another one.


  1. Yes, signing on phones or IPads is always so tricky for me. I took penmanship lessons back when I was in elementary school and, normally, my signature is neatly done but not on those screens. My kids' signatures are illegible to me but I guess it doesn't really matter anymore.

    1. It is best to forget penmanship on these phones, a scribble is all most people can manage Ellen.

  2. I have also not yet visited Aldi.
    I like Lidl though.

    1. They are very similar Liam, prices are cheaper and Lidl offers a different countries food each week. French this week. Up North, as I start so many of my blogs, there is less of the high end supermarkets, Waitrose and Sainsbury, we are more Co-op ;) but of course food culturally you can buy almost anything in Manchester.

  3. Hardly a day goes by now without a parcel. None are for me.

    1. I allow myself one a month because I worry about the poor drivers and it seems such a lazy habit of ordering everything over the net.

  4. Maybe Google Maps should release a version for large vehicles, showing roads that appropriate and roads that aren't. But I suppose it is quite dependant on the size of the vehicle.

  5. There is only one main arterial road through the valley though Andrew, the driver should have driven on, turned his vehicle round and driven back straight onto the slip road.


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