Saturday, September 21, 2024

21st September 2024 - As the year turns

Politician Bashing:  Fair is fair after all.  First the conservative party with their ability to reduce this country to a  pale ghost of what it could have been.  Their pockets are full - Austerity worked hurrah 😎no need to govern us anymore.  Sit on the sidelines and taunt the government now in office.

The Socialists, (who are not very good socialists by the way) now have the upper hand and have been dressing themselves in finery due to the largesse of a wealthy donor.  But they have promised not to do it again.  Then there is Rachel Reeves throwing out all paintings of men in the state room and only hanging paintings by women or of women.  Well maybe a clever trick but hardly something to get one's ire up.

On the sidelines we have the right wing  Reform Party, up and away, voted in by those who are indignant at various things that have brought this country down!! But probably are those in poverty with no way of getting out.  There are many bleak towns out there with people claiming benefits that just don't pay the bills.

I read yesterday that crime is down and giggled at the prisoners who were released early, moaning about the fact that they had not got the ankle locks which gives their location - very needy.

Home news is much happier, when my daughter messaged Lillie after her first week in London for a chat she was told too busy to talk.  Off to Scout's meeting in London, she also has a job in a bar come coffee place (barista skills are handy) and was also starting Uni that day.  So she seems to have settled in well, her brother and sister are keeping an eye on her but all good so far.

I am glad we are going to renationalise the trains and build more houses by the way and trust the Labour government will keep to its promises.

  As for more pay for train drivers, so a person who has hundreds of lives under his care is not allowed a decent wage - think about it....

My daughter at the moment can spend three hours travelling one way to Manchester because of the disruption of taking a bridge down on the motorway. Her travel  is synchronized  by the rail line with a coach but of course with the burden of heavy traffic the coaches often miss the trains departure from Rochdale.


  1. The clothing gifts have annoyed people, but donor supporters can give what they want to give. Sadly, many voters judge politician (and their other halves) on appearance, and the makeovers were probably worth a lot of votes. It was overdone - some of them look a bit too slick now.

  2. It is all about perception and it seems Sir Keef Stammer has already blotted his copybook, him not being able to afford to buy his wife a pretty frock.
    I agree about train drivers, but bus drivers do some hard yards too with much responsibility. Not as much, but still significant and they have to deal with traffic.
    That's not good about what your daughter has to put up with, hopefully not for long.


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