Tuesday, September 3, 2024

3rd September 2024

Over these springs Minerva presides and in her temple the perpetual fire never whitens into ash but as the flame fades turns into rocky lumps.   Solinus

I have been listening to music this morning, the soft tone of Nick Drake on a recurring link and then 'Blessings' which I will put below, for it will soften the furious bosom wherever it may rest.  Sadness has a healing aspect to it, the imagination wanders and we should be grateful for past memories.

I am glad I invested in a hard backed notebook, I copy out words that pass by and they are caught for evermore. The foolishness of gods at the great Roman temple of Bath as written by Solinus.  The coal came from just up the road at Camerton, silly how belief hits facts!

This morning Rebecca Solnit, gave a link to an essay writer who wrote about 'Why AI Isn't Going to make Art - Ted Chiang'.

It’s harder to imagine a program that, over many sessions, helps you write a good novel. This hypothetical writing program might require you to enter a hundred thousand words of prompts in order for it to generate an entirely different hundred thousand words that make up the novel you’re envisioning. It’s not clear to me what such a program would look like. Theoretically, if such a program existed, the user could perhaps deserve to be called the author. But, again, I don’t think companies like OpenAI want to create versions of ChatGPT that require just as much effort from users as writing a novel from scratch. The selling point of generative A.I. is that these programs generate vastly more than you put into them, and that is precisely what prevents them from being effective tools for artists.

Now when I write anything a nuisance little thing flies out from the corner as my co-pilot, (expletive deleted) if I accidentally touch goodness knows what. Andrew explained that my fears are unwarranted but words are having a very good time of it on social media.  Do like the fact that X + Musk has been banned from Brazil and Pavel Durov + Telegram has been arrested in France.  Freedom of speech unfortunately does not mean that speech is now truthful and factual.

But I must stop waffling, the freezer needs to be switched back on and the dry laundry folded.  Lillie leaves next week, but an old neighbour comes for a couple of days and also Matilda down from London.


  1. Love the Lost Worlds Blessing … thank you. Gill

    1. Hi Gill, it is a pretty song but it is called 'Lost Words' a very large book illustrated by Jackie Morris. It was made when the Oxford Dictionary for Children dropped some words of the natural world out of its current edition.

    2. Worlds was a typo :) I’m exploring their work and loving it, as I often do with your posts. I’ve never commented before but I have followed your blog for a long while now. Time to show my face and say thank you :)

    3. Thanks for that, the singing part of the group seem to have metamorphized into several different names. I have the book 'The Lost Words', Jackie Morris and MacFarlane's words. I like the way Morris uses gold leaf in her books for children.

  2. Influencers eh? When it's not advertising it's politics and self-appointed arbiters of truth. It works both ways, though. People like J K Rowling should be able to express her opinions without being cancelled. It is not hate-speech.

  3. No, discussion is not hate, but having the word 'woke' and 'snowflake' thrown at you in contempt is crossing the line Tom. Of course Rowling should speak, she has had a great influence on the young. And Musk is being hit below the belt in share prices for X they have dropped dramatically.

  4. Thank you for posting that Spell song. I love it, and it was good to hear it again.


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