Friday, October 25, 2024

25th October 2024

 It is 7.30, Lillie has just arrived after travelling all night on the coach from London, two bus rides one from Manchester to Rochdale and a bus from there to here. She reckons the trains are too expensive.

She has come home to see 'Bugsy Malone' at the Hippodrome, put on by the young drama group.  Yesterday evening the young Beaver scouts went by to see it, chattering loudly like a flock of birds in the sky.  When they came back it was more noisy but this time - bang, bang, bang.

Yesterday a knock on the door, it was two Jehovah Witnesses standing on the pavement.  Come to tell me that the Lord was good and caring for our Earth.  I told them I was a pagan and therefore had my own nature gods to choose from (I am not a pagan or religiously inclined) and they went away.

But it did make me wonder what did I believe in and question my thinking many years ago when Gaia came on the scene.  James Lovelock, an eminent scientist had been struck by the fact how all the gases on this Earth seemed to produce just the right atmosphere for life on this planet.

How everything worked with each other, it is called homeostasis, when everything works together and keeps a balance that is just right.  Now the argument, and a very valid one of course, is that us humans have just mucked it all up.  What with the industrial age and now over population.  Our plant life, animals, insects all are disappearing with our use of artificial pesticides and herbicides.  As we destroy the insects, and that valuable of all pollinators, the bee, whether honeybee or bumblebee, all these species are slowly being killed off.  If there are no insects for the birds they die off, if there are no fish in the sea, the great whales and lesser dolphins die off due to hunger.

There is plenty of action to try and save all these creatures, it has been a sad summer without many butterflies in this country.  But the truth lies in a very different venue.  We have to stop! Driving our cars around for any little item, we have to learn to take less from the world around us.  Not demand everything served to us on a plate. 

It is not all bleak.

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