Friday, October 4, 2024

7th October 2024 - the marking of a terrible anniversary

 Jonathon Friedland's moving and astute article on that terrible day

I was going to put this up on Monday, but then thought there will be a lot of news on that day.  The above photo is of the six month anniversary of the event, which will go down as one of the most wicked acts of terrorism ever carried out.  

It shocked everyone but the repercussions are resounding round the Middle East, now, this very day, with an intensified war by Israel on other states.  There has been protests all over the world with the continued bombarding of Gaza, a humanitarian appeal for all those civilians caught up in this war as they flee from one place to another.

Friedland paints the two sides of Israel, and also the protestation of other people in the world against Israel.  His views are valid, and I am still not sure in my own mind that Netanyahu has only pursued this war to keep himself in power.  If this was so, then he is a person of the worst order, allowing others to die in the interests of himself.

I can read article after article on the hopeless plight of Palestinian refugees moving between refugee camps, see children with limbs blown off and not see them as the enemy.  Perhaps living in this modern era where everything can be linked back on the net creates a mental nightmare for those outside the war.  A meme of two children, one Israeli, the other Palestinian, goes through the media but it does not answer the problem of war and killing.

1 comment:

  1. There are only wrongs, more wrongs and even more wrongs, on both sides. The only way to avoid despair is to disconnect.


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