Walking along the river yesterday, it was only a few days ago that I caught the soft orange glow of the autumn landscape, yesterday the steely grey tones of winter are starting to creep in. A storm of rain and wind brought many of the leaves down, the river is full, and is starting to lap over the top of the old lock gates. Ducks are appearing in the river and the mill pond, and a weir was revealed from the mill to the river which we had'nt noticed before. The handsome black horse is a bad tempered creature, ears back when we approached, I soft talked him and stroked his nose but he is probably a miserable creature to ride! The gypsy horses, were at their gate again watching the world go by, or waiting for tea I don't know, but as I have to dive into a hedge to photograph them, the black gelding always looks solemn as he peers at me curiously - far more trustworthy than the elegant one in the field.

Poor lad, he's not a happy soul is he? Probably fed up on his own. it looks a lovely route that you took for your walk.