Sunday, April 19, 2020


The day is once more glorious but where is the rain? Sunday a day of rest, will all days be like this in the future?  On Sundays Paul would occasionally cook a full on breakfast.  He was incredibly slow and I would have to have some toast earlier on to keep  hunger pangs at bay.  Timed for 10.0.clock coffee time.  You can see how I miss this time, happiness built in a  moment.  Also at this time of year was the welcoming of the cherry blossom on the two trees.  Tiny cups would be found from the back of the cupboard, and the Saki wine heated and put in a jug and then we would drink it in the garden, toasting the blossom, the weather as warm as it is today.

Of course they were not the fruit cherries but the over exuberant pink flowering Japanese cherries, and I with my utilitarian background would wish for the cherries later on in the year.

A friend from Hawaii said he would like to come back this summer and bring some Saki wine to drink at a memorial do, but it hardly seems that such a gathering of people will happen in the present climate.


Books; Once again untidiness!  I took photos of my books yesterday, and today I picked up Wendell Berry to read.  I like his writing, and those large horses he used to farm with. He is now old and seen as a poet and prophet, 'The Peace of Wild Things' you will hear in the video below. As a poem it seems apt for today's troubles but contains in its message that beautiful gleam of hope as we wander amongst our wonderful wild world - never give up ;)


  1. I like his writing too Thelma and found his reading brought a feeling of peace too. As for untidy books - I always think when I see totally tidy bookshelves that the person is more concerned with the tidiness than with the reading of the books. Books shouldn't be bought for decoration but for dipping into, especially at a time like this. Have a good day in the sunshine even if that East wind niggles.

    1. Cold in the back garden but warm in the front. Spent just under an hour talking to two friends in the church yard, we are going to make it a regular meeting at 3 on Sundays.

  2. Wendell is a hero to many of us. He is the grandfather we all wish we had. So sorry for your loss and wonderful that you have such precious memories.

  3. Memories come back all the time Tabor, not sure whether I should write about them or not, but they bring the moment back. I bought my first Wendell Berry book at least 30 years ago from Sierre books?

  4. I think we could easily swop bookcases Thelma! I love Wendell Berry's work too. "Day-blind stars" - how magical.

    I am glad you had such a lovely over-the-wall chat and are going to make it a date in future.

    1. One of the things noticeable when you start to photograph bookshelves, at least for me is the children's books I collect, as did Paul.

  5. That is not untidy, Thelma.

    The memories you have of Paul are all good and although there is sorrow attached, those are it’s those lovely thoughts to have.

    1. Thank you, sometimes I think to not write about these things, but then the sadness is overshot with happiness for those times.

  6. I would have had toast first, too. Two breakfasts are not too many.

    1. Two breakfasts are about right Joanne, one early, one round the coffee break.

  7. A beautiful post. Thank you.

  8. I had never heard of Wendell Berry until this week. His poetry was read in a Podcast I listen to and now you mention him here too, I love coincidences like that!


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