Saturday, June 27, 2020

Saturday 27th June

Saturday rolls round, we have had some rain but not much, dull and grey and I wish for a storm. Yesterday as I went past the church I met someone from up the other side of the village, and we discussed the latest news.  He was shocked by the news of all these people congregating on the beaches and kept a good two metres from me.  The country is split, those who go out believing they are invincible and those, who are classed vulnerable and stay at home.  I am not sure the ratio of the young and fit in the catching of this virus but the deaths are still rolling in, our NHS service is still there braving a virus that may get the doctors and nurses also in the end.  Surely this is the time to think of others.  America is showing that freedom of movement is not necessarily the answer.
I watched the first episode of Mrs.Thatcher, someone I have to say I never liked.  But hindsight softens a viewpoint.  I thought she was incredibly brave, the one and only woman to sit round the table with 40 men, and I recognised the sheer brutality of a patriarchal society that kept women out of office and top jobs which  still makes me cross.  Heseltine summed her up accurately, she was a woman of her class but clever.

The other thing I noted, frivolous I know, were the terrible hats she wore.  She had good hair, this is jealousy on my part, whose hair is fine and blows round my face like mist, meaning I never go to the hairdressers but wear it up in a bun.
Her 'upgrading' - clothes, makeup and voice made me giggle slightly, she was definitely vain I think.  The only thing I can think that was good about her was that she was a woman amongst white, middle aged, men who all seemed to have benefited from being rich and privately schooled.  This gave them privilege!!

What did we gain from her? force, in the taming of the miners and printers, feel good factor when you could buy your own council house, unfortunately it thrust the price of houses up and now the young can't get on the housing ladder.  

Do we have a better Britain - no comment.

But this morning as I made my first cup of tea, looking out of the window and there was a juvenile black and white woodpecker on the feeder, his pale pink hula skirt just showing, life goes on.


  1. That's what hooked me on the series too: someone from a similar background to me becoming PM - and a woman - in those days (although Wilson, also grammar school, had preceded her). I could have been cheering for her if it hadn't been for the policies. The archive footage was also fascinating.

    1. Yes the archive footage was fascinating, brought it all back. Also, the fact that we accepted such a nonsense that it was the men that ruled, now it is better of course. Not sure you can talk in terms of 'class' now, as a society we have broadened out.

  2. Like you Thelma - I didnt like her politics and disapproved of most of what she did. But I admired her as a woman, as a strong woman too and as one who stood up to a lot of men who thought she was an easy touch. They soon found out how wrong they were. She did a huge amount for the progress of women in both Politics and Society as a whole. I am always sad when I think of the way in which she died.

    1. She was definitely a pioneer for equality for women. Though some said at the time, she ruled like a man rather than a woman, but that perhaps was the secret for women to get their foot in the door. Fascinating history, her twins went very quiet though. Interesting to document their history on the back of a powerful mother.

  3. It's politics, here, there, everywhere.

  4. Well I have been knitting Joanne, and am thinking of doing some spinning. It needs to be white because I want to dye as well. Can't make my mind up between merino or Bluefaced Leicester. Merino is like a flat white coffee whereas the BFL has a lustre and silkiness which spins beautifully.


Love having comments!