Saturday, June 6, 2020

Warning; Political - rubber bullets hurt

America is breaking down, when they shoot at the journalists they shoot at truth and reporting.  Politics may not figure in the things you want to know each day.  But it is serious.  A president who just shoots his mouth off has now become a dangerous force to be reckoned with.  I trust that my government will have nothing to do with him and will speak out against what is happening in the USA.  

The above video is a BBC news clip, the Guardian has also something to say  Says much more than myself but that was because I was so angry this morning.  Yes protesting out on the street is a firework ready to go off, looters are not to be accepted by the law abiding.  Black people though have the unalienable rights to call for justice and equal recognition and our journalists have the right to free speech and recording of the events that happen.  End of rant..........

The final version of the Declaration of Independence declares: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


  1. Everyone has had enough of Trump now, even Republicans. They are using 'less fatal' bullets on protesters now.

  2. Yes, I saw Seductive Landscape's blog this morning and went and read 'Paddington37' and felt anger at what she says in her latest. 'Bear witness' is a very apt quote.

  3. One of the worst things of all was to see that 75 year old man in Buffalo NY shoved over unceremoniously by riot police. He lay there on the ground with a puddle of blood forming under his head and they just walked by him as if he was a piece of trash. Didn't stop to help. Earlier today I was singing to myself "We'll walk hand in hand, we'll walk hand in had... Oh deep in my heart, I do believe that we'll walk hand in hand some day..."

    1. It happens everywhere of course, Hong Kong, Brazil but I also saw the police walk by that man, it was callous. I have read so much, but nothing seems to excuse this violence.

  4. I am just pleased not to be American. I suppose it was all bound to explode into violence one day but once the lid is off it isn't easy to get it back on again.

  5. The more people you have the more problems there are but it is a very sad time.

  6. We've set a horrid example to the world, the last couple of weeks, but protesters are containing their anger, swallowing their bile better this last week, and leaving the thuggish behavior up to the police. It may turn out well, in the end. Whenever that is.

    1. There is a certain pessimism in all our souls, but optimistically we have to be hopeful Joanne.

  7. The way the police are acting toward the protesters, even when they are just walking and chanting, is horrible. The 75 year old man forcefully pushed backward so he would fall, and then the police officials lying and saying he tripped, until they changed their story after finding out that the incident had been caught on video. A young woman slammed to the ground so hard it broke her clavicle, a protester standing in place, when a cop stepped forward, pulled the protester's mask down, and blasted him in the face with pepper spray. All caught on video. Americans are starting to demand de-funding the police, because of this type of abusive behavior.

    I believe that these non professional, abusive police officers feel empowered at this time by cruel words that have been spoken by our current President.

  8. There are acts of cruelty, which perhaps because of technology can be caught on camera and that is good for prosecution of the offenders. Yes the president has a lot to answer for, if only he could resign!


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